Me in my younger days showing sheep at the Smither’s fall fair. Friend Sheri
caught me wrestling this unruly lamb around. That’s our daughter Erika on the
left and friend Trudy Rafuse on the right.

Eric shearing with hand shears.
Nice job and a beautiful fleece. What I don’t have pictures of is Eric completing the rest of the process. After shearing he ran the wool through a picker, then a carding machine, spun it on a wheel, put it onto a lazy kate and then through a ball winder to turn the wool into the most beautiful yarn. He was an excellent spinner and won prizes for his wool at the Skeena Valley fall fair. Now….what to do with all the yarn. Well…I’m not a knitter although I have done some. At one point when Eric was working outside climbing poles in the winter for B.C. Tel he decided he needed warmer socks. As a boy his Gramma Tycho had taught him how to knit socks so he decided if he wanted warm feet he’d better knit them himself instead of waiting for me! Our friend Lena helped him turn the heel and also knit a double heel. Pretty talented man! At the same time he was working full time (as was I) and both of us were busy with the farm. Busy days.
Last winter I mentioned to our friend Sandi in Mazatlan that I had all this wool at home. She said “ I’ll crochet you something if you want, just bring it along.” Swell! Eric and I are both fans of lap blankets in the evening when we are watching TV. I have one beautiful one that my friend Trudy wove for me on her loom. It was a present for my 65th birthday. This one would be for Eric since he processed the raw product into yarn.
Here you can see Sandi working on the blanket which is being done in natural undyed wool from our chocolate brown and white sheep.
Many, many hours of crocheting.
It turned out to be quite a project as the blanket had to be long enough for Eric and…the wool when crocheted became a very heavy blanket.
You can see the wool has been made into a ball which you can easily pull from the center.
Once the blanket was the right size Sandi crocheted a decorative edge on it.
A heavy blanket that Sandi had to fold up as she worked as it was so warm.
The finished project which I brought to Tuesday cards so the ladies could see it. Just beautiful and a labor of love from one friend to another….thanks so much Sandi!
This blanket is special and will become a family heirloom that both daughters will likely want!
What an interesting bit of family history, information on lambs, making the wool into yarn and how your friend turned it into a beautiful lap afghan for Eric. Sandi would surely win a ribbon for that afghan. Thank you for sharing - it was very interesting.
ReplyDeleteWow, Eric has so many talents. A very interesting rad on the process of the work for this particular afghan. How very special of Sandi to have crocheted it for you. She is now a part of the family history of this special heirloom. Now we need a photo of Eric relaxing with it.
ReplyDeleteAs we move north the blanket will come out and I'll take a photo of Eric snuggled under it.