Eric and I along with Frank and Sandi had hoped to take a trip to Cosala about a month ago. However Eric and I got sick and weren’t up to a long trip for about three weeks. We are both better now and as we’ll be leaving soon today was the day.
It’s just over 100 miles each way to Cosala and we have only been there once and it was a number of years ago. Eric had decided it would be a much better idea to ride up, stay a couple of nights and then ride home. That way we could relax and actually have a look at the town. Unfortunately it’s too late in the year and a one day ride will have to do. We’d better get going!

It’s just after 9:30 am and we are on the free road between Mazatlan and El Quelite. You have to share the road with whatever comes along.

San Ignacio is one of our favorite rides but….not today.

We also like Estacion Dimas….but not today.

I think we are passing through the area of Ixpalino which appears to be a wayside stop for trucks.

Over the Rio Piaxtila.

A little mining town up ahead.

Looking back. I don’t know what they are mining or even if it’s still in operation.

Just before Elota and this little river has lots of water in it.

The vegetable trucks are moving from town to town and this guy was moving very slowly.

Turn left it you want to go to La Cruz.

It must have rained upstream as this water is really running fast.

Turn right for Cosala.

Cosala has the status of a Pueblo Magico.

Lots of nice green crops up this way.

First we pass El Salto Lodge. This is a reservoir lake so sometimes there isn’t much water in it. It is also heavily net fished by the locals. It is advertised as a bass fishing lake.

The brush is really growing in on the road.

Far off in the distance you can see the water of El Salto.

The road appears to have some potholes.

Ahhh…the brushing crew. No machines here….just machetes.

Next little town is Ibonia.

One stop fits all. Get your beer, fix your tire and have your car washed!

Alrighty…..that is one mondo pothole.

The road is twisty now and we are going really slow watching for potholes.

And then left.

Cosala is ahead up there somewhere.

A little palapa to sit under when it’s really hot.

The fence will do for a clothes line.

Corn seems to be the crop of choice up this way.

Eric is interested in seeing this Hotel Quinta Minera as a possible place to stay next winter.

The good thing about these circles around potholes is that you know where they are. There are lots and lots of them.

We are getting close to Cosala and one of the local attactions is the Vado Hondo waterfalls. If Frank and Sandi come with us next year we can have a look in their Jeep. The Harley is not meant for off roading!

I just caught the tail end of this burro that was walking along the edge of the road. He had a large stake tied to a piece of rope around his neck. Easier to catch?

Hotel Real del Conde is another possible choice to stay.

We are heading up a very twisty road and we are in first gear most of the way and travelling really slowly.

This road crew should get busy fixing those nasty potholes!

We swoop back down toward Cosala.

More swooping.

Cosala up ahead. Look at the beautiful new sidewalk.

Hello Cosala.

The sidewalk continues all the way into town.

The chicken is cooking for lunch. Lots of smoke.

No water in this river.

This very narrow street heading toward the church is main highway #1 which goes right through town and continues on to Culiacan. Could this be a two way street? Looks pretty tight to me.

The main square.

A lovely square. Too bad they are blasting really loud music….really destroys the tranquillity.

Eric wants to have a look for the Hotel Quinta Minera before we have lunch so off we go.

Up this road looking for Hildago Street.

How about up this way. Really tight streets and hard to maneuver the bike on the brick roads.

The tourist bureau is on our right just as we circle back to the square.

This is Hotel Rey 4 Hermanos which is right on the square. We walked down behind to see what the parking was like. There’s a pool in there.

We are walking back up to the square. It’s quite a drop to the back of the hotel.

Turns out that Hildago street was right on the square. I showed a Mexican lady a picture of the sign for the Hotel Quinta Minera and she pointed up the street.

Off we go….Eric in the lead.

Found it! It even has a restaurant.

Long dining room just off the lobby.

Looking back across the pool to the outside restaurant where we are seated.

It was really loud and busy when we arrived. Turns out the lady in green was celebrating her 95th birthday and all her family was here staying at the hotel. When we asked for a menu the waitress seemed confused about what we wanted. A Mexican gentleman helped us out with his very good English. The man was her son and I remarked on how good she looked for her age and he said “ Yes, a lot better than me!”

There’s Eric sitting at the table.

Chili relleno’s were on the menu and that’s what we ordered. One of our favorite meals.

Yes…I ate the whole thing except for a couple of bites of rice.

It even came with blue tortillas made from blue corn.

Yes Eric….I see the blue tortilla!

More than one dining area.

Heading back out the front door. I asked the woman at the desk where the parking lot was but in the end she couldn’t understand my terrible Spanish and had to pull up google translate on her computer so I could type in my question. Whatever works!

We walked up the street to the parking lot and it looks okay except for the pea gravel which is deadly on the bike.

A long walk back to the front of the hotel.

That’s Eric way up there by the vehicle.

We walked back to the square, mounted up and headed out of town. A 2 1/2 hour ride home so time to get going.

Hopefully we’ll be back next year for a visit.

Back on the twisty road.

Goats along the edge of the road. Not good….we don’t want to hit any livestock with the bike.

There is a really big drop off to the right.

You can’t really tell but that’s a long way down.

Some sort of grain crop that doesn’t appear to be harvested. I did see a sign with the word semolina on it which is a type of wheat.

Thanks for visiting Cosala.

They’ve done some patching here.

Back on Mex 15 and heading home.

This overloaded hay truck was really holding up traffic. Not many places to pass with all the hills and twisty road. We stopped and had a cold bottle of Coca Cola and a rest while all the traffic moved on.

Here we are back coming up the road to the park. A long day, a good ride and we are both tired.