Yes it's almost March of 2021 but I have decided to update the blog chronologically so that it actually follows what happened over the last year.
Although it was snowy and cold when we returned home from Mazatlan in March the month of April turned out to have the best weather while we were at home. Sunny and warm and the snow soon melted. As we were dealing with lock down at that time we celebrated Easter outside at our daughter Erika's with her husband Wade, grand daughters Holly and Abby as well as Holly's boyfriend Chris who was living with them. Holly returned home with Chris from Vancouver to Terrace in late January to live with Holly's parents, work and save money so they could go to Scotland in the summer. Chris is a trained chef who came out from Glasgow in Scotland and as his Canadian work visa was ending in Feb.2021 they were planning to head back to Scotland, work and then do some travelling. Holly had just graduated from UBC with a degree in kineseology so she was hoping to get a job in Terrace as well. know how all of that turned out. Covid hit, everyone was locked down, restaurants were closed and their lives ground to a halt. Abby was just finishing college and hoping to continue her summer work as a vet assistant and that didn't happen either. We had just finished our two week quarantine but we obeyed the rules and met outside for Easter dinner.

That's Chris with Chloe ( a.k.a Shmoopy to us) on his left and Abby's puppy Flynn is upside down!
A beautiful warm day and Eric is enjoying some sun. Wade in the background.
Daughter Erika relaxing in the sun.
I'm not sure if Eric is patting Shmoopy or Maple...hard to tell from a distance. They are Greater Swiss Mountain dogs.
Abby with the dogs in front of her. We made it easy on ourselves for Easter dinner. I made a potato salad and the Watson's supplied, wieners, smokies, buns and all the condiments.
Gorgeous warm afternoon.
Holly, Chris, Abby and Wade..." cooking Easter dinner!" We decided it was the easiest most enjoyable Easter dinner we'd ever had. Usually we are still in Mexico at this time so this was an opportunity to all be together.
Flynn was still teething so every stick was fair game. He's a Bernese mountain dog so he still has some growing to do.
Flynn needs another stick.
A perfect day and not even a picture of the food. I must have been hungry!