Today’s restaurant choice was not too far into the Golden Zone so we took the bus.
10 of us leave the park.
Another half dozen joined us at the restaurant so we were too many for one big table. Many of us are quite tired of the big table thing and would prefer a few small tables.
Here’s a small table and I’m sitting with Marilyn, Marion and Marilyn’s friend Linda whom I know from other years. A nice small group.
When I sat down I was sure I knew the man sitting at a table across from us. I asked him where he was from and he said “Regina, Sask.” I said that he sure looked like someone I knew from home and he asked where that was. I said Terrace, B.C. and he laughed and said that was where he and his wife were from but they now lived in Regina. That’s Art Kerr and his wife Ada-Lou Collier (maiden name). Art worked with my husband Eric at B.C. Tel for many years before he retired. This is a second marriage for Art and Ada-Lou. Ada-Lou was tickled to meet someone from home as she was born in Terrace and grew up in Prince Rupert and she asked me if I knew many people that she did. I did recognize the names of a few of her friends. Art and Ada-Lou winter in Mazatlan just down the street from the restaurant. Funny coincidence.
Lots of colorful ceramic ware to buy here. It looks lovely here in Mexico but I always find it a bit out of place at home.
Some of the ladies from Las Jaibas were at this end of the table.
Lots of chat going on here.
The service was good and my meal arrived quickly. Coconut shrimp with rice, veggies and bread. I have had these shrimp in the past and forgot that I think they are a bit sweet for me. Good anyway!
This is Marion’s very stately pose….she isn’t like this at all!
Shrimp salad.
Breaded shrimp with fries.
Bev came over to chat to Marion. Marion recognized the waitress (Grace) who is living with an ex-partner of a friend of her’s. Small world.
A nice view of the restaurant from upstairs.
Front door where everyone is paying.
Sandi leaving the restaurant. So….service good although the bills got a little muddled up. Food very good and everything was very professional and worth another visit anytime. A good lunch choice.
At this point the group split up and some of us walked down the street to other stores.
A quick stop in Michael’s Gallery where I took pictures of things you can hang on the wall. I have a good friend at home who will be 70 in May and I was looking for something that might look nice in her garden. Didn’t buy but just looked. Kind of liked the hummingbird.
A blaze of color.
After this I stopped at the Pacific Pearl Newspaper office to buy a Mazatlan Carnival T-shirt. We were then off down the street to Henderson’s Meat Market.
This is a favorite stop for many of us as they sell good quality meat and cheese. The meat is flash frozen and vacu-packed to it keeps really well. I picked up some filet mignon and pork chops which should be delicious.
Home on the bus and off to the beach for a short relax. Another good day!
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