
Monday, October 10, 2016

Getting packed up to fly home tomorrow.

We are both feeling a bit better today with the 5th wheel cooled down. 

This morning we got all our paperwork together for the flight home tomorrow.  The supershuttle is picking us up at 11:40am and we’ll get home about midnight so it will be a long day.  Phoenix to Seattle, Seattle to Vancouver and Vancouver to Terrace. 

We’ve got lots to do over the next three weeks before we shut the house down and fly back to Phoenix on the 3rd of November.  Oh…by the way Eric doesn’t want to go home.  Tough, he has to go!

After lunch we were off to Al’s RV on east Bell road to find another water pump.  The blocks are long here and it was a twenty minute trip to get there.  Eric found a water pump, I got another folding stool and we filled up one of our 30# propane bottles so it was a successful trip.  We filled up the truck $2.15 a gallon for diesel at Fry’s and we were done. 

I spent the afternoon catching up on my blog postings and now I am done.  Luckily Jim, the park manager has internet so I could hook up and post. 

Tomorrow we are off home and I won’t post until I return.

1 comment:

  1. Hey I finally get all caught up with you both and you are back in BC!! I hope your time at home goes quickly. Thanks for the great photos and tours. Hope to catch up with you in Mexico. You might want to take the bike to the Isla now that it is paved.
