
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Good news at the Doctor

I had my appointment with Dr. Shojania,  my rheumatologist on Tuesday morning and I was worried that with all the stress I have been under that my blood test would not be good.  Well….it was very good.  My CRP (C reactive protein) that shows my inflammatory rate was very low….yahoo! Blood pressure (great) and all other blood tests were good.  Elevated CRP can indicate many things including heart disease, colds, infection etc. and in my case inflammation and (temporal arteritis or vasculitis).  So the good news is that it looks like I may get off the prednisone by August.  Read about CRP -

I have worked hard to get well.  I obeyed Dr. Shojania’s orders, took the prednisone religiously, lots of vitamins (calcium, omega3, and many other anti inflammatory vitamins) walked every day and oh yes, along with eating well I drank beer!  Mexico and it’s good fresh vegetables, sunshine and ocean helped too.  Plus a little good luck doesn’t hurt! 

None of this means that I am completely cured but things are looking good at this point. 

P.S. -  Dr. Shojania is an excellent Doctor and I would recommend him highly.  My condition was very serious at the beginning and he wasted no time getting all the appropriate test done and starting treatment. 

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