
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Wednesday Dec. 9, 2009

Today we get organized to move. That's makes me a bit nervous as we have not been south of San Carlos. Eric says it's time to go and find some warm water and it's always easier to stay tied up to the dock than take the boat out for a sail. That's sailor talk. Pretty good eh! I've got washing hanging out to dry and Eric's out for a bicycle ride. That's okay by me because he is a very good boy and does the days dishes every night since I do all the cooking. We will go to Los Mochis (Pemex station) tomorrow and then to Mazatlan on Friday. We will stay at Las Jaibas per Croft's and also Ron Townley's sister Bev's recommendation. I mentioned Croft's name when I emailed and the reply said we could have Mr. & Mrs. Croft's #8 site if we were less than 40 feet. Funny! We don't eat out much but we did go to Ernie's today and had the lunch special. Homemade soup, chile reneno, and a couple of other taco type things. Really good for 60 pesos. Light supper tonight. So nothing much else to do but go for a walk on the beach and have an early night. The couple next door are already into their cups so hopefully they'll have an early night too. I won't have internet tomorrow and will add to this when we get to Mazatlan. I am finding the blog a good way to keep track of our day to day happenings and plans as well as a records of our travels. So even if I'm the only one who ever reads this and I know I'm not it is worthwhile. Thanks Croft. To all of you relatives and friends at home keep in touch when you have time. We miss you all.


  1. We are out here reading it Kathy! Keep posting. There will be a guy across from you at Las Jaibas and a little to the left named Sam who has a Harley. Nice guy. say "Hi" from us.

  2. You will have to try the Mexican wash and fold laundry services Kathy. They get your clothes spotless and return them perfectly folded for less money than a laundromat would cost you NOB.
