Carol and Richard organized a park happy hour and group picture to celebrate Christmas at the beach. Many people in the park never go to the beach….and we think that’s a shame! We, like Carol and Richard are on the beach most afternoons for a couple of hours. Eric and I sit, walk and even swimming if the water is calm enough. Just good for the soul.
People started arriving by 4pm.
Obviously the colours of the evening are red and green.
What an opportunity for one of the beach vendors. This young man had a very large selection of silver jewellery and the ladies were happy to have a look.
That’s Sandi looking and Nancy, Pam and Carol in front.
I think he did quite well this evening. As we sit on the beach most afternoons the vendors get to know us and don’t bother to approach us.
Klaus and Karin from Germany and Doug from Canada on the right.
Nancy, Carol and Jeannette.
By the time we were ready for the group photo a lot more people had shown up. A nice young French Canadian man offered to be our photographer and he did a great job. That is one fine looking group!
Carol, Kathy and Richard. Does my hair look better now Joy?
The weather was cloudy, a bit breezy and not too cool….what more could you ask for.
A really nice shot of Rocky and Nancy.
Sandi and Jeannette chat.
Frank and Richard chat. That’s John in front. I must say that Richard’s get up was pretty great. He has a lime green ball cap under his Santa hat and it even matches his shorts. Pretty snazzy!
I left at 5 to go home and put supper in the oven and finish up happy hour with Eric. He is sick and stayed home.
It was a great idea and everyone had a good time.
Good idea Carol and Richard!
You look MARVELOUS dahling!