Wednesday January 25, 2012
Yesterday Eric and I hopped the bus downtown to see Dr. Olalde for a follow up visit for me. He and I had a nice chat and at this point it looks like my muscle condition is stable enough with the medication he prescribed. Dr. Olalde pointed out that I should see a rheumatologist when I get home to find out what is actually going on. At this point things are pretty good so no worries right now. I should also mention with no slur intended to our Canadian Medical system that the care here is Mexico is great. Kind, caring doctors who are readily available by cell phone or internet. Very comforting!
The area that Dr. Olalde has his office in is in a an old and very beautiful area down town. The area is filled with hospitals, clinics, labs and all things related. We wandered through (sorry no camera with me) and were impressed by the beauty of the area.
Here are a couple pictures of the local phone company raising the telephone wire in the park. The palm trees have to do double duty around here!
A Ride to El Tigre!
Today we left the park in a small convoy with Sam and Rita and also Frank, Sandi, Dennis and Marilyn in the jeep. We had wanted to go to San Javier on the way to San Ignacio for a ride an lunch but the drug gang issues have heated up in this area and Arturo (on our front desk) said it wouldn’t be a good idea. We deferred to his suggestion! So, another ride to El Tigre and I must say it is my favorite ride here in the Mazatlan area.
Fuel stop for the Harley’s out by the airport.
A quiet ride once you get through Villa Union along rural agricultural roads. We led and Eric went quite slow so he could sightsee!
A lovely lunch at El Tigre although I did make a slight error when I ordered Pescado Frito and I should have ordered Fillete Frito so I got a whole small fish instead of fillets. All delicious anyway. Frank and Sandi had Pescado Zarandeado which they really like and they had leftovers for dinner that night.
This very quiet, gentle Mexican dog scooted over to Marilyn for a pat. Like all the female dogs here she is either, nursing puppies or pregnant. What a life. At least she wasn’t skinny.
When we were ready to leave El Tigre’s after lunch Frank and Sandi decided to return the way we came and not continue out through Rosario so we decided to do the same. Funny how the reverse of a route looks like a new route!
Sam & Rita.
Frank & Sandi stopped here to have a look. This is a shrimp farm, not a greenhouse operation and you can see the vehicle tire sanitization wash just ahead through the gate.
This beautiful estate on the beach is under construction. It sits by itself, surrounded by a wall and is presently being landscaped. This photo does not do it justice.
We did realize that there were a couple of one way streets that we had to find in El Walamo and also Villa Union.
One way street in El Walamo going our way. You can see the Mexicans take that as “just a suggestion.”
Bye, bye El Walamo.
Villa Union looks like it warrants a closer look when you get off the main drag. Villa Union is “Ramona’s” home town (Connie and Manny adopted her off the street there four years ago. Lucky dog!
One way in Villa Union.
Beautiful building in Villa Union.
Pretty little flower shop at the side of the road.
You can just see the kids hands inside the back of this truck. They were yelling and waving at us as we sped along the highway back to Mazatlan. Lord knows how many there were in there.
So another beautiful day and ride done. Eric is now trying to find a new front tire for the Harley as it has deteriorated much faster than he thought it would. He will try here in Mexico and also in the States as we may be able to get George & Sharen to pick it up on their way south.
We had a beautiful sunset this evening, wouldn’t you agree!
Lovely sunset indeed.