
Friday, November 17, 2017

Pretty quiet days right now!

I see that my last post was on Monday but realistically not too much has been going on and now it’s Friday. 

We played cards on Tuesday but we were an uneven number and it just didn’t work out.  Robyn sat out while Sandi, Nancy, Jeannette and I played.  She did sit in for one hand and then just socialized.  Next week we might be six or….seven and that doesn’t work either.  So many ladies missing and we are really noticing it in everything we do. 

Wednesday we were out shopping.  Sam’s Club for flats of Pacifico, ripple chips and tomatos.  Wal-Mart for the rest and then off to our new water store for two 5 gallon jugs of drinking water.  The guy there remembered us from last spring and was happy to see us.  The store is located in a Mexican subdivision area so we might be the only gringos that go there….who knows.  He does a great job of cleaning the jugs and the water tastes good.  11 pesos or about 77 cents per jug.  Really nice guy.  We usually go out for lunch on Wednesdays but Ruth (our cruise director isn’t here yet.)  We did decide we will start without her next week and let here take over when she arrives. 

I managed to get my washing done, hung out dried and put away yesterday (Thursday.)   This wouldn’t seem like much except that I drug it up to the front of the park using my new grocery cart and then brought it back and hung it out on the line to dry.  No problem except it was so humid I think I lost a gallon of water sweating in the humidity while I did it!   In the afternoon we were off to the beach and I even managed to get in for a dip.  Still a bit rough but should be better today.  Boy was it warm water!

Last night it was Bingo and you know how I love bingo….not so much!  I do enjoy the outing, the company and getting to eat out so it’s not all bad.

There were only four of us waiting for the bus and a pulmonia driver showed up.  He said he’d take us up to Cerritos for 40 pesos so we jumped in.


Transportation in Mazatlan, Mexico

Pulmonias are a unique form of transportation that can only be found in Mazatlan. These open air cabs look like over-sized golf carts and are easy to catch, can take you to just about any destination in Mazatlan and can be found throughout the city at all hours of the day and night. Riding in a pulmonia is quite the adventure with the wind flying through your hair and the selection of music that they play.



Sandi was in front.


Me, Marilyn and Jeannette in the back. 



The Last Drop where we play bingo is farther up on the right. 

We met Robyn who was already there and Anita joined us later.  I did win one round (200 pesos and I gave Alex the bingo caller 50 pesos which is good etiquette.)  Winning always makes it fun.  Anita won, Sandi won, Robyn won and Marilyn and Jeannette did not.  Maybe next time!

Today I walked early (6:30) and a bit later Eric rode his bicycle.   This afternoon….off to the beach.  Eric says it’s even calmer today so I should be able to stay in longer. 

We’ll both be glad when the A/C doesn’t have to be running all afternoon….

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