Sunday we made a run to WalMart and washed our dirty truck on the way. We take our own brush to scrub because the ones at the carwashes are always full of grit which scratches the paint. The old girl is 12 years old now but she still looks good when she’s scrubbed up! We also needed some more of the umbrella type chairs as we have somehow lost two of our good ones. It is not like us to lose anything but….they are gone. We also threw out our old ratty beach chairs so we are now down to two good chairs. The cheap ones are too uncomfortable to sit in so we had to buck up for a couple more good ones. $35 American. Now we need two beach chairs so we’ll look in Yuma and if push comes to shove we’ll buy two more good ones and sacrifice them to the beach! They get rusty fast if you sit on the beach every afternoon like we do.
This is Eric’s going to WalMart look. Now he’s wearing my visor to keep the hair out of his eyes. It’s a good thing it’s impossible to look odd around here.
In the afternoon Eric started washing the east side of the rig when the sun moved around to the west. We got covered in road grime when we moved from Catfish Junction to Jackpot in the rain.
Monday morning Eric was outside early to get the west side of the rig done before the sun got there. My job was a little squeegying and the windows. The water here is not horrible but it leaves marks if you don’t squeegy and dry the windows. Now we’re pretty clean.
Me off to the mall in the afternoon and Eric doing…..?
Big Red has not come out of the rig because it is just too windy. It has been howling and Monday had another wind warning. No fun on a motorcyle. We had a lousy ride in the wind to Seligman last spring and we aren’t anxious to repeat it. Laughlin and Yuma are both really windy places so riding the bike here is always a bit of a crap shoot. To be honest we haven’t really had much fun on the trip south. Smoke, wind and a blown tire haven’t made us very happy.
Oh well at least it’s sunny.
Eric needs a head band or a pony tail! Good you got to enjoy a ride on Big Red. SandyM