
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

We are in Kelowna.

Wednesday Oct. 30, 2013

We were blown into Kelowna on Monday afternoon by a nice brisk tail wind all the way from Cache Creek.  We made the right move to stay put for a day and wait out the storm.  One should never be in such a hurry that you can’t wait out bad weather.  We try!

We are settled into Ian and Linda’s house and it sure was nice to get a hot shower.  Three days without one is bad enough but four is just awful!  I am missing Linda’s wonderful cooking but I guess I’ll get by!  Yes Ian, we miss you too.

Yesterday was spent shopping and we got a few things done.  I had to buy a new portable barbecue because they only seem to last 2-3yrs before they are rusted out.  Mexico’s salt air just destroys things.  Eric is on the hunt for a new pair of Keane shoes and so far has not found exactly what he wants.  Maybe today.  We also went to the local GM dealership to see about getting my key fob fixed.  It quit working a few months ago and it wasn’t the battery.  Eric talked to the service guy there and he brought his handy dandy electronic programmer out to the truck to reprogram it.  He said they usually charge $50 to do this but he was a nice guy and did it free.  It worked and all is well now.  Bueno! 

Our other issue is the main TV in the rig.  Every time we unplug and or use the over the air function it looses it’s mind.  It has been a piece of “crap” right from the beginning.  Eric finally coaxed it back to life by plugging and unplugging etc. etc. but there is always the worry that one time it won’t start at all.  The problem with replacing it is how it is mounted (inside a wall) and that means the connections have to be below and it has to be an exact size.  Hard to find exactly what we need.  Fun, fun, fun.

I spent the end of the day yesterday assembling my new barbecue ( I am the barbecuer in the family) and it took a painstaking two hours to do.  Not so bad to pay for a new barbecue but worse to have to put it together! 

I took all my winter prescriptions that I didn’t have time to get filled at home to the local Shopper’s Drug Mart and it is just as hard to get them all filled here.  Everything has to be ordered in.  Hopefully they will have it all done by Friday and then I’ll have to get them to fill my prednisone order after I see the rheumatologist.  We plan to leave on Sunday if that is done and also if the weather south of us is good.  Fellow RVers (Colin and Contessa) have just travelled through horrible weather in Oregon and we don’t want to do that.  We’ll just wait.

Today we are off on the shoe and TV hunt so another fun day. 

P.S.  -  I also bought all my Halloween candy since I will be on duty on Thursday night.  Third year in a row.  Two years ago Ian and Linda were in Japan, last year they were out and now they are in New Zealand.  The kids are going to start thinking we own the house!  I actually enjoy it as we have never had trick or treaters on the farm. 


  1. Hi Kathy. Thanks for doing Halloween duty once again for us.Hope your doctor's appointment goes well tomorrow. At least I think it's tomorrow. It's hard to keep the days straight as we are 20 hrs. ahead. I tried phoning you via skype yesterday but there was no answer. Will try again later today. Today we are planning to visit the botanical gardens and maybe the Auckland zoo. Our weather here has been much better than anticipated. I've been able to wear shorts most days. The place that we are staying at is great. We have an ocean view from our sundeck that is set in a beautiful garden. I like this having spring twice in one year. We leave for the Gold Coast Australia on Sunday and are looking forward some really warm weather there. Hopefully things will be a little cheaper there. Yesterday Ian paid $2.20 a ltr. for gas. Anyway, time to go. Enjoy the rest of your stay and safe travels.


  2. Good to hear you made it to Kelowna safely. I was surprised to read that your winterize your RV for travel. How long do you leave it that way? Anyway it was worth the drive thru the cold to get here to the warmth of Quarzsite. Hope to see you in Mazatlan this winter.
