
Sunday, November 20, 2011

A visit from Croft & Norma

Saturday Nov. 19, 2011

I called daughter Krista in Pittsburgh yesterday morning as it had been our now five year old grand daughter Ava’s (aka – Bunny) birthday on Thursday.  Ava is a chatty little girl on the phone but right now she is ill with strep throat and an ear infection.  A curse of the young.  Krista had ear infections as a child and so did Eric and they are really nasty.  Even so, we chatted and I told her that her present was on the way (mailed from Laughlin, Nevada on Monday.)  We have not been good about making our way to visit them and I hope to make amends in the spring. 

We did a little shopping before lunch and picked up some metric box end wrenches for Sam’s mechanic Larry in Mazatlan which are hard to find there.  The afternoon was spent with a ride up to the Imperial date gardens where I picked up a bag of dates and some fresh raisons … and okay a date shake too.  You can’t go there without that treat.  Yummy.

Today it was time to get the Mexican Insurance done on line and I prefer that Eric leaves while I do it.  Something always goes wrong with either the internet or the printer and it makes him crazy and then he makes me crazy!  He mapped out a route to the Cocopah RV resort which is way out the west end of Yuma and set out to look up Croft and Norma and then ride out to the date gardens to get more dates.    The mount on the Harley for the Tom Tom works great and this was an opportunity for him to try it out on his own. 

I got the insurance for the truck, 5th wheel and the Harley while it is in the rig travelling done and was ready to print it when wouldn’t you know it….Croft and Norma showed up here.  Figures.  Eric was going to their place and they were coming to ours!  Anyway we had a really nice visit and it was great to see them.  We keep in touch via Croft’s blog and mine but never seem to be in the same place at the same time.  Since we have history (they lived in Terrace in the early days) it is really nice to catch up in person.  They both look great, especially Norma!  She is a die hard smoker and makes no apologies for it and she sure seems no worse for wear because of it.  To be fair she does have great genetics as her Dad lived to be 95 or more and lived well to that age. 


The sun was bright and I didn’t see that I had Croft in a big shadow….sorry!

Croft is as funny as ever.  He showed me his “crescent moon” on his head from the cans falling on him out of his fridge over the front of the rig while he was driving and I said “ well I  have a bump on my head where Eric dropped the tailgate on me while we were parking here!” so I guess we are even.  Always something to laugh about!

Just as they were ready to go Eric showed up on the bike so they stayed a little longer and we had more good chat.  A fun afternoon. 


Croft and Eric.

So, a really nice day.  The insurance is done and printed and we are all set.

1 comment:

  1. Hi - new to your blog - I came through Croft's site - looking forward to traveling with you to Mexico. We are at - we are fellow BCer's!
