
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Getting a few things done in Laughlin

Saturday Nov. 12, 2011

Today is a bit cloudy with a little rain but around 17C so it is fairly warm and the wind finally quit yesterday.

We got the truck washed on Thursday and it was really a mess.  Covered in salt (or some sort of road de-icer) and it was hard to get it clean.  We have also been doing our usual pick up this and that while we are here as the shopping in Bullhead City, Az. across the river is good.  Yesterday we washed the 5th wheel and that took most of the day.  Good day for it as there was no wind or sun.  The wax job that Eric did this summer really helped and it was easier to get the road grime off.  I managed to get the laundry done as well and now we are up to speed. 

I managed to get over to the outlet mall and pick up a few things as well.  The prices here are always good.

It looks like our real estate deal will not go through due to a low appraisal and if so we will move on Tuesday.  Too bad as the potential buyers are really keen. 

We think we’ll spend a few days in Yuma, Az before moving down to Ajo, Az  just north of Lukeville where cross into Mexico. 

We are both feeling more rested now, especially me.  I hurt my shoulders and upper back in July when we were painting the house trim.  I moved a fully extended two piece wood ladder and held it away from the house as I did it.  Not good, I should know better and then I really paid for it.  The shoulders are still sore and now it seems that all my muscles (the whole body) are really sore and I have been taking ibuprofen on a daily basis.  My appetite was off (not like me at all!) and I have just felt generally unwell.  Maybe I’m just getting old!  Oh well perhaps a winter in the sun will help. 

1 comment:

  1. keep posting kathy, we might be able to hook up with you in Yuma. We are on I-5 just south of Stockton heading for Parker, AZ to get the AC fixed in the car. We will go on to Yuma after that and then cross at Lukeville.

    Croft & Norma
