
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

We didn't win but we had fun!

Saturday, Feb. 20, 2010

Sam, Rita, Kathy and Connie.

Connie and I played Sam and Rita at 10:00 am this morning and all the Bocci enthusiasts were there to watch the game.  We played well but they played better and we didn't win.  Boohoo!

 Sam and Rita went on to play Bill and Jeanette in the final and it was a close game with both teams playing excellent Bocci.  It was 20 to 19 for Bill and Jeanette and they scored their last point and won the game.  They are the proud winners of the trophy that they made!  Lots of fun for all. 

Sam, Rita, Bill, Jeanette with Fred and Marion handing out the trophy.
Fred and Marion worked hard to referee both of our games, a hard job!
Connie's Bocci collage.

Teacapan tomorrow.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday the group headed out for the trip to Teacapan.  We  thought the day might be a bit cloudy but it was sunny and clear.   Frank and Sandi had Hal and Helene with them and George and Sharen had Pat and Jack and off we went with the Harleys leading. 
Honest Officer I wasn't speeding!
Hal took this picture and emailed it to me with this caption.

The trip out was good with the traffic fairly light.  When we passed Ville Union on the free road Sam and Rita were in the lead and unfortunately they got stuck behind a truck in heavy traffic and that is a really crappy place to ride.  Part way along a whole bunch of Mexicans on Harley's showed up and started to pass us all.  They were like a swarm of bees dodging in and out of traffic in two's and threes and passing where ever they felt like it.  Not safe!   As soon as they were ahead of us all they stopped and pulled over.  What's up with that.  As soon as they were back on the road they did it again.  Just nuts!  Now, some might say Eric and I  are old fogey's for thinking that but unsafe passing, speed and corners will get you killed.  No Thanks!

When we got to Teacapan Sam took us to a restaurant right on the beach just before you get into town.  There was an RV park and a really nice place to eat with a pool.  

Frank and Sandi on the beach.

The gang at the restaurant on the beach.

A look north up the beach.

We all got out but Sharen and George along with Pat and Jack wanted to continue on to Otto's Japanesea restaurant to eat.  No problema and we decided to go too.  The lunch was again excellent.  The rest of the posse was done before us and headed down to the Malecon where we were to join them.

At this point the Keystone Cops trip started.  Just as we headed down the street to the Malecon we saw Sam and Rita on the Harley heading right.  By the time we got there they were all gone.  We did a quick tour of the Malecon at which time Sam, Rita and crew  were back at Otto's looking for us.  We headed out and .... "they were gone!  At this point George, Sharen, Pat and Jack decided to head home.  We took a little run down to La Tambora but the trailer park was down a dirt road so we decided to head home too. 

The trip from Teacapan out to Esquinapa is a bit hair raising because of the potholes.  We can wiggle through them but vehicles are slowed down and will try to pass on our side if it looks like there are fewer pot holes.  They do not care if they are coming at you head on and miss you by inches.  Crazy!  We waited at the Pemex coming into Esquinapa for the rest of the crew but no one came so we left.  As we got to the other side of Esquinapa the Harley with Sam and Rita and Frank's jeep fell in behind us.  They had been sightseeing in Esquinapa and it was just a fluke they were behind us.  Next time we'll have to make better plans!

When we got home there was an appy party at Frank and Sandi's to watch the hockey game between Canada and the U.S.  Eric was too tired but I went and they had great food.  I wasn't going to eat because I hadn't made anything and was still full from lunch but I did try Gerri's quail, and Betsy's Mexican pizza which was really, really good along with her carrot cake.  Betsy is the queen of food and she was nice enough to send some home with me so I didn't have to cook Eric dinner.  Eric says we must park closer to Betsy and Boomer next year because she is such a good cook!  We all have our talents! 

Oh yeah, Canada lost but you probably knew that already!  Canada didn't play well until it was too late so they better pull up their socks for the next game. 

Monday, February 22, 2010

On Monday Connie and I went out on a geocache mission to the cemetery.  Connie is into geocaching which involves a hand held GPS and clues to find things.  We had located one on the way up to El Farro on our first trip and this was her second trip to the cemetery to find this one.  We popped into Sorianas first as we had missed the cemetery and had to double back copping Uees just like the Mexicans.  We wandered the cemetery looking highly out of place and weren't making any progress at all.  Connie said she should have bought flowers so we would look like we should be there.  Finally I took the GPS and using my "great navigational skills"  (haha - just ask Eric about that!) managed to locate the grave which was a clue and tree with the small bottle Connie was looking for.  It was fun and then we headed off to find a place for lunch.  We ate at one of the pulled pork restaurants (can't remember the name) and Connie was nice enough to buy me lunch and there was left over pork that made supper too.  The pork and chicken here are really good.  We got a little lost heading back to get bottled water and her laundry but it all worked out.  Fun morning.   The wind picked up in the afternoon so my reading on the beach was a bust. 

Eric hasn't been feeling well since Sunday so he hasn't been doing much.  Headachey and tired so who knows what that is about. 

Tuesday  February 23, 2010

Rita came over this morning to show me her new tattoo that she had done  yesterday.  She has a couple of other ones and the new one is a graphic monkey with Chinese writing beside it.  It is her sign in the Chinese calendar and looks really good, very well done.

Rita's tattoo.  Nice, eh!

 I think I would like a tattoo of a frog but maybe I'll wait until I get home.  Hal and Helene also added a tattoo but I haven't seen them.

The wind is just screaming today although it is sunny and would be warm without the wind.  A good day to blitz the housework, dump the tanks and do the laundry.  Get it all done in one day and then forget about it for a week.  Done!  I sat at the beach in the screaming wind by the wall with my back to the wind and finished my book.  Not great but better than being stuck in the campsight.  Tomorrow the Bocci crew is supposed to go out to dinner together but I hear there is another hockey game at 5:30 so we'll see if that pans out.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The park was treated to a large amount of bashing and crashing noise at about 2am this morning that lasted for a couple of hours.  We thought that they were clearing rubble across the street at the new tower but that was not the case.  When I went out for my walk this morning Fred was coming back and he said they had smashed down the new beer store (Pacifico) that had just been renovated.  I went to look and there wasn't much left just a big hole straight through.  What's up with that! 

Where did the Pacifico store go?
The Cerritos store to the right is on Felipe's property.

When I got back Felipe was explaining to Rick and Jeanette that Pacifico had decided to put a beer store there but it was on La Marina's property.  That sounds a little fishy to me. 

Not much left of the Pacifico store.

It was joined to Felipe's Tecate/El Sol store (actually the same building) but on two different properties and right now they are out there with a backhoe demolishing what is left of  the Pacifico store.  Felipe said the fellow running the store managed to get his stuff out late yesterday.  What's the real story, who knows. 

A look from behind from inside the park.  Felipe's store on the left, the now missing Pacifico on the right.  Lots of dust and noise.

Felipe didn't look too sad as his store is now the one running and not the Pacifico store.  The Pacifico store was more popular with the gringos as it's a way better beer and it also carried a small amount of grocery items.  Another bizarre Mexican happening!

Early this afternoon we were treated to one of those RV parking events that are something to behold.  The first mistake was trying to park a really big motorhome in a really difficult spot when the whole park is wide open.  It was happening right out our window and Eric's first words were " He's not going to make it !"  Too true.  Second mistake,  he didn't observe the GOAL RULE " G et  O ut A nd L ook" ,  third mistake, he didn't stop when his wife who was standing in front of him was yelling " Stop, Stop, Stop"  Outcome..... Stuck, Stuck,Stuck! 

That is a really tight fit and not what he wanted to do!
P.S. Double click this picture and you will see how tight he is to the palm tree!
Lots of people had advice but Eric said " Free advice is usually worth what it costs " and commented that he'd get a tow truck to drag the rig sideways.  At this point Peter decided to help since he used to move mobile homes.

So, what do we do now!

 One jack up on the stuck side, boards under the wheel, tipped it away from the tree, drove forward and he was out!  Lucky guy as the rig and awning were touching the palm tree.

Good thing Peter knew what to do.
That's Martine the gardener on the right, he had a good laugh about this one.
I'll bet he's seen quite a few of these events!

Did somebody call a tow truck?

 He is in real tight now so getting out when he leaves on Friday will be a trick.  I'll keep you posted!

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