
Friday, May 10, 2024

Things are moving along!

 It's now the 10th of May and we've been home 10 days.  To say things have been brisk would be a bit of an understatement!  The house is shut down while we are away so it takes a bit to get everything up and running.  We stayed two nights at our daughter and son in laws and the first day we came out to unload and get the water up and running.  No heat in the house so the water is drained and as we are on a creek system it means valves in the field etc.  That afternoon we had a leak in an old tap under the kitchen sink so parts were in order.  Eric thought it might not be possible to repair the tap was.  Next day I did grocery shopping and started to put things together inside.  Eric went out to start up the machinery big and small as lawns needed to be thatched.  I needed to remove all the birch tree trash from the yard and deadhead any plants that were still blooming when we left in the fall.  The first few days were pretty brutal but things are now under control ....more or less.  Eric has " Big Red " uncovered and he did an oil change on the Tiger.  Motorcycles are important !!  

It was fairly warm when we got home and the daffodils are still blooming. 

Thatching style!  This lawn is so mossy the tow behind thatcher just kept plugging up.  He is towing the side delivery hay rake with his David Brown tractor.  This 1960's vintage tractor did all the work in the early years including snow blowing our long road in. 

I did manage a coffee with my " gal pals " here at home.  Barb in the middle trying to do the " Greek neck squeeze" to take away my wrinkles and Trudy on the right.  Both ladies are Terrace born and I've only been here 50 years!
Even the primroses are still blooming. 

Wanda primroses that I got from son in law Wade's mother, Fern.

Bits of color here and there. 

Kitselas mountain in the distance.  The Skeena river is still really low but there seems to be lots of snow on the mountains. 

That's my creeping thyme...can you see the holes...the voles make it their winter home!
A white pulsatilla or Pasque flower. 

Dinner a few nights ago.  B.C. oysters....delicious!
Here I'm waiting at the Old Bridge which is one way.  We have another bridge which we call " The New Bridge!" but I was going to the north end of the town.  

I had just been down to the Spotted Horse Nursery on Graham and I'm coming up Kenney St.  It's run and owned by a local gal Cathy Jackson whom our family has know since she was a little girl.  She has appaloosa horses hence....The Spotted Horse.  I needed seed potatoes as I'm getting my vegetable garden ready to plant.  We had a bit of rain this afternoon but tomorrow looks good so the seeds, potatoes and transplants will go in.  Hopefully Eric can get out for a ride which he so dearly loves. 

So all in all things are good and we are happy to be home.  Quiet and green here! 

1 comment:

  1. You have a beautiful place and nice to come home to. I'm sure the weather is the best, ours is 40 to 45C!
