Ribs for dinner!

Eric and I with Abby and Wade.


Abby and her lap dog Flynn🤣


Abby's strawberry sensation cheesecake!

As yummy as it looks!
Happy Gramma..my favorite!
On Monday I had my 3 week xray and yesterday I saw my doctor. The radiologist says the hardware is in place and the bone is healing...hallelujah! To say I've been worried is an understatement as it's been 3 months since my fall in March. So...Onward. it will be a slow journey this time and to everyone's surprise I'm actually doing as I'm told😁!
Today is my birthday and I am always reminded of the following poem.
I was born on a Friday and today is a Friday. I do love to give presents and I keep my love a bit hidden but it's there and it's fierce❤
Since we arrived home Eric has been busy burning the huge stump piles next to our new driveway road.