Today Frank and Sandi were going to come with us to Estacion Dimas for lunch. Unfortunately when we stopped for fuel Frank was still having some problems with his Jeep and decided it wouldn’t be a good idea to go out of town so…they went home and we continued on.
We’d been out to Dimas for lunch a few weeks ago but what the heck…we could go again.
The crops are growing well….lots of water.
They’ve finished prettying up the church in Estacion Dimas and it looks great.
This little boy has his eye on Big Red.
We are seated in the restaurant Marisco’s Pisis and I can always find something interesting to take a picture of. That’s quite a cart and it would be really heavy if it was full.
Big Red waits.
This is the little girl that we have been watching grow up. She was just a baby when we started coming here and now she is on her feet and running. We could hear her out back making her demands known to all of the family!
We are started off with a really good bowl of salsa. Our usual waitress wasn’t working today and her replacement was no where are as efficient. I finally had to go and find some tosadas for the salsa.
Here is their menu and we are having Filete Relleno today. The food is always good here and the place is busy.
Fish covered in octopus, shrimp, onions, tomatoes and a bit of cheese. Rice, tortillas and salad on the side. Delicious!
Lunch is over and these two boys are getting a ride back to school or home.
I watched these ladies shelling shrimp and they were really fast. There must be a real knack to it that we gringos definitely don’t have!
Gramma is taking one of the other girls back to school.
The colorful bus rushes by.
Momma has here two girls on the back.
Lunch is done and we are heading back to the cutoff to Mazatlan.
Nice and green along the way as they have water from the Piaxtla River.
Turn right for Mazatlan.
We should turn right here and head home but we decided to take a run up to La Noria.
I don’t remember ever going to La Noria but I read Carol’s blog and she has posted lots about it.
Not too far up the road we hit a cattle drive!
Hmm…don’t want to tangle with that big boy!
The last of them coming across the road and the owner/drover was right behind. They knew exactly where they were going!
Nice looking dairy cow…look at the white udder with the black teats!
Nice and green out this way.
All of those little A frames house cocks that are tethered to each one.
This is not my country and I don’t usually make comments but…this is a disgusting practise that is still alive and well in Mexico. Cock fighting for sport….no bueno!

As far as the eye can see.
Twisty and turny and you can see me in the mirror.
There is a tequila distillery called Los Osuna out this way so…there is agave growing.
If you turn right here you can go to Los Osuna and also La Martina restaurant….another day in the truck as it is a dirt road and not for the bike.
Lovely bougainvillea along the road.
The arch of La Noria.
Narrow streets and we pull over to let the bus go by.
The town square where we’ll stop and have a look around.
Hey….they even have wifi!
Looking back they way we came in.
Pretty, clean and quiet.
We are heading out and this little girl was waving like mad!
This is a smudgy picture as I was shooting into the sun with by older Canon which now use only on the bike. Up ahead you can see the Riu which tells us that we are almost home.
A good ride, good food and a quick look at La Noria. We’ll go back another day and spend a little more time. I think the La Martina restaurant would make a good out of town trip for the “ Travelling Lunch Ladies!”
try to talk the ladies into going to La Martina - just the restaurant itself is beautiful and food is great.
ReplyDeletedid you go into any of the leather shops in La Noria?
La Noria was just an after thought at the tail end of our ride. We'll go back another day when we have more time.