
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Been here three weeks…time to move on!

Thursday Nov. 29, 2012

Yesterday we took a ride up to Searchlight, Nevada and then down 95 to Needles for lunch at the Wagon wheel Restaurant…my burger was good but Eric’s giant Taco….not so much!  You win some….you loose some. 


Searchlight…basically just a few casinos, fuel, restaurants (always a Macdonald’s) 




Plaque on the wall above our table.

After lunch we continued east on the I40 to Topock and then onto the #10 or 95 or route 66 whichever they choose to call it to join up with Boundary Cone Road that heads up to Oatman. 

P1030165 Route 66….I wonder whatever happened to Buzz and Todd!

The road from Topock to the junction with Boundary Cone Road is dead quiet and you can go slow and sightsee which is nice.



That little tiny peak on the middle left is the Boundary Cone.


Full size Boundary Cone. 

From there back up the 95 highway towards  Bullhead city, over the parkway and home.  A nice quiet ride. 

Today we are packing up to move to Yuma for the next two weeks.  Laundry done, vacuuming done, Big Red loaded, etc. etc.  We’ll move down to the free camping at Bouse, Az.  just north of Quartzite for a couple of nights so we can check out all the RV crap that Quartzite has to offer.  You can find just about anything there but you do have to wade through lots of junk.  Always something to buy or replace on an RV.


From Bouse  we’ll head to Yuma where we’ll check into the Arizona Sands RV park for two weeks and get a bunch of shopping done before I head back to Canada on the 8th of December for my medical check up with the rheumatologist.    We’ll book only one week at the Arizona Sands to start so we can check out a couple of other parks while we are there.  Most of the parks in Yuma are right next to the freeway, railroad, busy highway, airport and or military base so it is always noisy.  Eric thinks he might like be in Winterhaven, California on the north side of the freeway so we’ll check that out

Hopefully by the 16th of December we can start heading to the border and Mexico. 

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