
Monday, April 2, 2012

Guaymas to Santa Ana

Monday April 2, 2012

Up early this morning to say bye to Sam/Rita and Judy.  They left early as they were heading out through Nogales.  We were only going to Santa Ana so ….no hurry. 

We hit the road just before 9am and it was a good trip.  The highway in Sonora is much better than Sinaloa so we don’t get pounded to death by bad road.  When we arrived at the south end of Hermosillo we found the same detour that was there last fall.  The signage was good and we just carried on through.  As we were driving along the periferico the big motor home that had been behind us for a long way pulled up in the next lane and the passenger motioned to Eric to roll down the window.  He thought we had a problem but it turns out it was someone who recognized our rig.  The woman passenger  said “ Eric, Eric are you Eric?  He said yes and she said Tres Amigos (Stone Island in Mazatlan I think) and I read the blog!”  They were from B.C. but Eric couldn’t talk much because we were in heavy traffic.  So….when you read this you know who you are….but I don’t.  Funny…people know who I am because of the blog but I don’t know them. 

Shortly after that we hit another detour at the north end of Hermosillo that sent us all over the place but again no problem…just follow the signs.  Now I must say that all of this is so much easier because of practice.  Eric even said when we were driving that I could be knitting.  Now that is hilarious because I don’t knit hardly at all and it makes me really tense ….just like I use to be when we started all this RV travel.  No gracias!  Maybe a crossword!

We had a lunch stop and fueled up at the Pemex at kilometer 69 on the south bound side of the highway.  Easy to cross. 

We were pulled out of the line up at the Military check point south of Santa Ana but it was no big deal.  The young man who checked us pushed on the driver’s seat in the truck (checking for drugs) and then had a look through this and that.  A look in the garage of the rig and then in the front.  He didn’t look to hard and was very polite.  No problemo and on the road. 

We rolled into Edgar and Anna’s Punta Vista RV park around 2:30 and had an easy set up.  Eric had a quick chat with Edgar and he and Edgar had a look at the Harley.  I chatted with Anna and asked how business had been and she said people are late coming out of Mexico and that they had six rigs last night.  Nice people and we know that our overnight stops are important to their livelihood and we always stop on our way in and out of Mexico.  They are always helpful with any border information or detours that are in effect.

It is now 6pm and the sun is still shining.  The wind has died down a bit and the view out over the hill is beautiful.  There is a small travel trailer on one side of us and a van on the other side so I guess that’s all the travelers for tonight.  We’ll have dinner, a good sleep and hit the road in the morning….but not too early. 

A good day.

P.S.  …I forgot…I have internet because the Yagi antenna is hooked up and sticking out the bedroom window aimed across the street. 

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