
Sunday, August 14, 2022

Summer Finally came to Terrace!😊

It's been hot and lovely for the last 3 weeks. The weather is changing but..we do need some moisture. We hesitate to say that here as it never knows when to quit😁 Our grand daughter Holly Lynn Watson and her Scottish boyfriend Chris have been here from Glasgow for three weeks and they head back Monday morning. We've had a good visit. The daylilys and many other flowers are blooming madly and the garden is producing. Fresh home grown blue berry muffins and three jars of fridge dills and zucchini pickles from the garden. Tomorrow I'll can some beans. Tonight I'm making scalloped potatoes and zucchini fritters with dill and feta. Lots of New Zealand spinach, carrots, potatoes etc. Just puts a smile on my face😊
Chris is a trained chef and here he's deep frying halibut and chips.

Eric keeping an eye on Chris and Holly😁

I made the salads and the fish and chips were delicious.

Chili dinner at our house last Thursday.  Terrace provided a warm, breezy and bug free evening.  Just lovely.

Daylilies, helenium and rudbeckia.  Everything is blooming like crazy.

Blueberry, oatmeal,bran,orange muffins for Eric's breakfast.  The tomatoes aren't mine as it's not warm enough here but they do grow in town.

Cucumber and zucchini dills from the garden.