
Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Aruba Fish and Grill for Ladies lunch.


Today we had lunch in another new restaurant close to home.  Aruba Fish and Grill is located in the Wyndham Gardens Marina Mazatlan commercial building just behind the Mazatlan Marina.  Another two story retail building with restaurants, Oxxo convenience store and a gym.  

Coming out of the Marina Gardens housing complex where we live and you can see the sky isn't blue.  The sea fog has rolled in. 

The ladies are waiting for me at the bus stop in front of the Costa Bonito Paraiso. A short bus ride to the restaurant.

The Aruba fish and grill is on the second floor and we came up in a glass elevator as the escalator wasn't moving.  

The restaurant is fairly new and is decorated in a "Flamingo" motif.  Flamingo's everywhere!  This is the beautiful bar.

This is the giant upside Flamingo just as you come in the door.  

Flamingo head!

Beautiful marble floors and everything is shiny, elaborately decorated and clean.

I managed to get all the ladies to look at me and smile.  Marilyn, Mary, Sandi, Ruth, Mar, Marion, Pat Cathy and Susie. 

A Negroni for Ruth, a margarita for Mar and Marion has mineral Limonada. 

Sandi and Ruth trying to figure out what to eat.  To start with there was some confusion as the menu here is only paper menu at all.  THE QR code wouldn't load the menu onto my phone.  The waiter air dropped onto the I phones but that didn't help us android people.  He managed to get enough house tablets that we could all have a look.  We were a little cranky about the " no printed menu" but we managed.  They really should have both.  Plus,  the menu is not online so you can't look ahead.  Times change....I guess we have to change too!

Sandi had coconut shrimp.  Very good. 

Same for Mary. 

Mar had the biggest cheese sticks I've ever seen and fries. 

Mar loves margaritas...blended, and this is today's. 
The decor is quite amazing and very colorful. 

Marilyn had Governor tacos and there wasn't much there.  However she said they were very tasty and all she needed for lunch. 

Governor tacos for Marion too. 

Rocca shrimp for Susie and they are deep fried in a very light batter with a spicy sauce on top.  I tasted...delicious!

I was trying to give Susie " rabbit's ears!" 

More tacos and this time Cathy. 

Ruth and I ordered sushi rolls and then we shared.  This is the Aruba roll.  I'm not sure why the camera squashed Ruth in this picture?

Pat had a sushi roll as well.  It was baked and warm with crab.  I ordered the same one...delicious.  

My lunch with my roll and some of Ruth's.  In the end I couldn't eat it all and Susie couldn't finish her shrimp so I got to bring her leftovers home too.  I really enjoyed my lunch😋

No doubt where the bathroom is!

The colors are even more vibrant than the photo shows. 

Definitely the most beautiful bathroom I've ever seen!

There I am!

Cathy is having a look too.
Looking out you can see the so called round-a-bout that has cars going every which way.  Not a place you want to be during rush hour!

The beautiful bar. 

Hospital Medica de la Cuidad Mazatlan is the blue and white building just north of the restaurant.  Another small private hospital. 

We arrived at 1pm and by just after 2pm we were finished lunch.  The service was good, the food came out quickly, was beautifully presented and tasty as well.  Prices were on the medium to high side else are they going to pay for all the beautiful decor!!😁

Walking out and Marilyn is having a look at the bar.  
Once we got over the digital menu thing we had a good time.  A really good lunch experience and worth coming back to.  We felt like we should have had a drink and relaxed for the rest of the afternoon.  Very relaxing restaurant.  
At this point a few of us walked home and some went back with Ruth.

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Dinner with friends.

 We had fun last night!  Frank/Sandi, Dennis/Marilyn, Ian and Linda for dinner and Rafael joined us for happy hour.  It's the end of the season for Ian and Linda and the other two couples will leave at the end of the month.  We're all good friends and we had a lot of laughs.  Rafael misses us all now that we're not in the RV park so it was good to have him here for a visit.  

Dennis, Frank, Eric, Ian and Rafael.  Rafael is soon to be a grand father as his oldest daughter Daniela is having a baby at the end of the month.  He's pretty excited 😊 

The table is set for dinner. 

We ladies move to the upstairs living room area so we can have some "girl" talk while the "guys" have man talk.  Do you think they miss us....?🤣🤣

Time to dish up and Eric and I sit at the counter so it's not too crowded at the table. 

Broccoli mandarin etc. salad, rice, orange carrots and curried chicken with buns on the side.  Plenty of food for a crowd!

It looks like I was hungry!

Dessert was lemon bars with a cookie base and blueberries on top.  Not much left!

When dinner was done we all visited for awhile and some even drank tea.  It was a really good evening with friends and I'm sure glad we know so many nice people in Mexico. 😊 

We sure get nice fruits here.   Today I'll make a pineapple, mango, green apple salad....yum!

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Reg's sort of surprise 80th birthday!

 Thursday was Reg's 80th birthday and Pat had planned a surprise happy hour party for him on Friday night at 4pm.  She almost managed to surprise him but someone who will remain nameless let the cat out of the bag yesterday.😁  No matter, he was happy to see us all and it was a great party.  A bit short because that darn north wind was blowing and by 6pm we were all frozen and had to go home.  

It was a beautiful afternoon and Eric and Frank were enjoying a beer and some chat. 

Willie and his wife have been friends with Pat and Reg for 20 years.  Reg drives a pulmonia for a living and does great city tours.  He showed me and our daughter Erika and granddaughter Abby the city last spring when they were here visiting.  He's a great guy!

Christine and Susie up front with Larry, Stuart and Sid behind.  Christine and Larry are in the RV park along with Sid and Cherry.  Pat and Reg had their RV up for sale awhile ago and when the deal fell through at the last minute they decided to keep the rig for now and come back to it next season.  We're all happy about that!

Cherry and Marion with Eric and Frank up front.  Sid and Cherry leave a rig in the park and Sid says they'll keep coming back until it falls apart. 🤣

Sandi, Pat and Reg.  

Susie and Dennis.  All of us were RVers in the park at one time and have remained good friends over the years.  We had some pretty special times during the early to mid 2000's and by the look of the park occupancy those times are over.  Just the right people at the right time I guess.

A few of the current RVers came to the gathering but I don't know their names.  

It was an appetizer party but there was plenty of food so we didn't need to cook dinner. 

Stu and Marion are catching up.  We don't have too many get togethers over the season so it's nice to see each other. 

Here Pat is greeting us and asked that everyone introduce themselves and say where they are from.  We don't know the current people in the park so it's a good way to say who we are.  Pat and Reg usually have a " Vagabond Christmas Eve" party but they didn't come until the new year so this is nice way to visit.  Reg usually blows his horn but one of the younger members in the park, Patty,  did it for him.  

Reg with Marilyn, Dennis and Willie. 

Reg toasted us all and thanked us for coming to his party.  I said I'd see him at his 90th but he wasn't sure about that one! Willie thought it was a great idea!

Doug, Susie, Cathy Eric , Frank and four of the current RVers

Lots of good food.  

The birthday boy gets to go first!

We have to get started early because it was so cold no one will stayed very late.  The sun was still up but it was hidden behind the Escondido tower.


When Pat and Reg decided not sell the RV Reg said " I'm going to buy a scooter!"  That's a pretty cool birthday present and it's electric so he can sneak up on people!

I convinced him to get on it so I could take a picture.  Happy guy!

Marion and Mar. 

Pat broke out the tequila and shot glasses at the end so we could all have a sip.  It was a great party and everyone had a really good time.  
Happy Birthday Reg!