So….first off how did our month at home go? Well, not that great. I’d expected to get all my yard work done and in the end I got close but it was a struggle. It had rained all summer and October was no different. We arrived home on Oct. 2nd and it was nice for about 3 days. A mad rush to mow all the lawns that hadn’t been cut for a month, dug out my potatoes and then ….more rain. There were a few breaks in the weather here and there where I dashed out to cut down my many perennials for the winter. I have about 20 beds and it’s too much too deal with when we get home at the beginning of May. Then…trouble with the riding lawnmower…the starter crapped and we will have to order one on line so I couldn’t mow up all the leaves that I use to mulch my garden beds. Swell! What next? Well we had a little snow, more rain and then a huge rain storm that plugged up our gravity water system. The water in the creek was rushing so hard it was impossible to get near it to clean the debris out of the dam. Damn! Now we were walking out to our outhouse and using buckets of water to flush the toilet in the house. Showers and laundry at our daughter’s and no dishwasher. Sigh!
After the rainstorm was finished with us it got nice….too little too late but I did get a bit more yard work done and Eric (bless his heart) raked leaves for three days.
Sunday (Oct.29th) we shut down the house and spent the night at our daughter’s house. Off to the airport on Monday morning and three flights later we arrived back in Yuma. Flights were okay if you don’t mind feeling like you are part of a herd of cattle! The Phoenix to Yuma flight was delayed due to some mechanical problem so we didn’t get back to the rig until 9pm. I’d booked “Go Green” transportation to and from the airport and they were great. Cheap, on time and pleasant. Bueno!
Tuesday morning the RV park (Blue sky Ranch) previously Arizona Sands informed us that we couldn’t stay parked on the site we were on and had to move. You’ve got to be kidding me! They’d told us the site was open until Dec. 1st and now….not. I sent Eric over to deal with the office and in the end we moved….to another park. Blue Sky Ranch wanted $42 a night as they only honoured Passport America for three days and we’d used that at the beginning of the month. We could have lived with the $42 but not if we had to change our site. The power for running the fridge for a month turned out to be $45 which seems a bit steep to me. We are presently at Araby Acres. Any better….not really. They charge $57!! a nite but have passport America. Except after they take half off for Passport America they add on a $4 per day resort fee and taxes and we ended up at $37 a nite. Always a numbers game. In addition the sites are smaller and there is really no where to park your vehicle. Not sure what we’ll do next year. When RVers are passing through they are not interested in all the park facilities and just want a reasonably priced place to park their rig for a few days.
Wednesday we were off to San Luis to get our tourist visa’s and import our vehicles. In the end we made two trips because we forgot the original registration for the Harley. Sigh! We had all the copies of everything but they wanted the original. When they imported the vehicles they put the Harley in my name (said it didn’t matter) and the truck in trailer in Eric’s name. Oddly they didn’t give us a ten year sticker but just added the 5th wheel to the truck sticker. The VIN number is on the sticker so it has been imported and since we turn the RV sticker in every year it doesn’t really matter to us. Hopefully they did it all right.
Thursday I got the Mexican insurance done and a bit of shopping at WalMart.
It’s Friday and since we leave tomorrow it was time to do some laundry. We had orginally thought we’d go into Mexico through Lukeville but have now decided to go to the Desert Diamond Casino south of Tucson for Saturday nite and then into Mexico through Nogales on Sunday. It will be quiet going through Hermosillo on Sunday which is a good thing. We’ll arrive in Guaymas and stay for a few days and then on to Mazatlan.
We are both exhausted and I think most of it is because we have had so many things go wrong at home and here. Hopefully it will all be better when we get to Mazatlan after we drive a thousand miles on really bad roads!
PS….there are some pictures but some are on our phone, some are on the tablet and some are on the camera and I’m just too tired to move them all. Maybe later.
Maybe consider phoenix instead of yuma. Lots of parks in the area to investigate and there are lots of flites into phoenix every dsy.
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