
Thursday, November 9, 2017

Los Mochis to Mazatlan and the Las Jaibas RV park



We are parked at the north end of the Pemex lot and right next to us the workers are weeding. 


Hmmm……don’t think you should be spraying while the workers are still in the field even if it’s fertilizer.   Mind you that is a Monsanto plant in the distance so I guess anything goes.

Up at 6:45 and on the road just after 8am.  Another 247 miles to go.



Heading into Guasave and we aren’t expecting the roads to be great today.


And they’re not.  Keep in mind we are in a pick-up with 80# of air in the tires and airbags.  The ride is rough if the surface isn’t flat.


Eric drives to the right on the shoulder to avoid potholes.


A little construction here and there.


Km 124 and an impromptu stop by the Naval Seguridad.  The guy leaning on the back of the truck on the right seemed bored with the whole thing and wasn’t stopping anyone.  Just to be seen to be doing something I guess.



Beautiful soil in Sinaloa, black and fertile.


Lots of crops under a cover.  This is all disposible by the way.


Nasty here.


Even in the fast lane it’s nasty.


A lot of the way to Culiacan Eric drove in the fast lane.  It looks okay in the slow lane but as soon as he changed back….more bad road.  Whatever works.  For the most part the Mexicans just go around us.  We did get honked at once and some times they just followed us. 


A little conflab of some sort with workers leaning on their shovels.


Close to Culiacan and it’s beautiful and green.


South of Culiacan and the road isn’t bad here.


It has been repaved most of the way from Culiacan to Mazetlan and it  looks okay.  The problem is that they just go over what is there and it is like being on a ship in bad weather.  We were pounded and rocked to death.


It’s a hot day….over 30C with 80% humidity but the Federalies are all in black as they ride on back of the trucks. 

We tried to stop at km 72 at the rest stop for lunch but a couple of trucks had blocked the entrance and we couldn’t get in.   How rude!

We pulled off the edge of the road just a km or so south and ate.  At that point Eric noted that the new spare on the front passenger side axle had a screw in it.  It also has a big abrasion on it right next to the screw.  It could have happened anywhere between the Desert Diamond Casino where he put it on and now.  Even though Eric checks the tires every time we stop it might never have been in a position where he could see it.  Damn….as if we don’t have enough problems with tires.  It’s not leaking so on we went.


Coming in the highway towards the Riu which you see on the right. 


Plant watering Mexican style from the back of a tanker truck.


Heading toward the RV park along Sabalo Cerritos. 


Wow!  It looks like they are growing a hay crop in the median.  At some point they will get around cutting it. 

We had to make an emergency stop not too far ahead for … iguana.  He was about 3 ft long and trying to cross the road.  It would have been terrible to hit him.  Eric stopped and put on the flashers while he ambled onto the median.  I couldn’t get a picture as he was right in front of the truck.


So here we are.  It’s about 2:30 pm and we will park in the middle row for the night.  We need to unload the bike in the morning and then we’ll back straight up into spot 120 where we were last year.  We’ll be nice and private here and it suits us.  There is room up by Frank and Sandi as so many people that usually park in their row aren’t coming but we’re better off at the back of the park.   I’ll talk about all our missing friends at a later date. 

It is hot and steamy and the A/C is running.  We’ve said Hi to a few people and tomorrow is a new day.  We are tired and quite tenderized from the drive and really happy to be staying put for a few months.  Life is good! 


  1. Happy you arrived safely - we met Sandy and Frank the day before we left Las Jaibas for Guayabitos. Enjoy your Winter and I enjoy following your blog.

  2. Thanks. Perhaps we'll meet in person some day. Always nice to have comments on the blog. Enjoy your winter too!

  3. Reading your blog too! Rememberance Day today. Thinking of a young Bud Powell, enlisting way too young!

  4. Hey that was me. As usual I screw up post the first time!

  5. Congratulations! You have finally made it. Those roads look nasty and I'll bet the whole rig is happy to take a rest.

  6. Congratulations, you made it, and only a screw in the new tyre, that's fairly good going.
