Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Tropical Rainstorm Nov. 28, 2019 195mm. in 24 hours or 7.7 inches!

This was the highest amount of precipitation in 30 years in Mazatlan.

So I'm up to last Thursday now and maybe I'll catch up soon.  We knew better than to go anywhere that day and in the end it turned out that no one could go much of anywhere.  Schools were closed.   By 2:30 in the morning it was raining pretty hard and at home this would have all been pretty much a non issue but...this is Mazatlan and when it rains hard there is no where easy for the water to drain away.
Looks pretty tame out there but there was a fair bit of water on the street.  Our house is at the back of the complex and it all slopes out to the front street.
This is the construction are just to the north of us.  On the other side of it is the Las Jaibas trailer park where we were parked the last ten years.  The people in the back of the park were up over the hubcaps on their rigs and had to unplug their electrical.  Knee deep. 
Bit of a river out front and the tracks in our patio doors were overflowing into the house.  Turns out the middle track could use a hole to let the water out! 
Pretty rainy but it is warm!
This is the Golden Zone and the terra cotta coloured building houses Gaby's beauty shop where I get my hair and feet done.  Lots of steps from the street up to the shop so hopefully they weren't flooded. 
This is in downtown Mazatlan. 
People had to be rescued from buildings that were flooded.
I'll bet these cars were a write off.   There were many, many pictures of the flooding and these were just a few.  By Friday morning it was bright and sunny and when I went downtown to get bread on Saturday morning it looked like nothing ever happened.  Just crazy! 


  1. I hope you didn’t get too much water inside? Did you see rats floating by? Tee hee . But seriously I hope you didn’t get flooding inside.

    1. Just overflowed the patio door track and onto the tile floor. The rug wasn't down. Good heads up for when we're not here in the rainy season.
