Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Ladies Lunch at La Costa Marinera (Nov. 27th)

As usual I am a week late on my post but it seems like time is just whipping by.  This is last Wednesday the day before the big 24 hour rainstorm that flooded the whole city.  More on that later.  We were a small group this day but that’s okay too.

Off to the Golden Zone again and this time to….

….La Costa Marinera.

This is one of those very large restaurants that can feed an enormous amount of people at one time.  Lots of attentive staff and very friendly efficient service.

The waiter kindly offered to take a picture of all of us.  From the left Cathy, Sandi, Marilyn, Anita, Bonnie, Pat and me.

Lots of choices on this menu.
Took some of us a while to figure out what we wanted.

The drinks were pretty tame today except for Bonnie’s mango margarita.  Isn’t it pretty and…tasty too.

The restaurant was by no means empty and many large groups came in.  Some inside, some outside like us and…some right on the beach.

Lots of room here.

So now for the food.  Sandi had a crab salad that she said was a bit too limey.

Cathy had shrimp tacos that were fine.

I had oysters 2plus, 2plus, plus2 and they were not good at all.  I’ve have oysters here in Mazatlan before at Mimin’s and they were large and delicious.  These were the local tiny ones that I could hardly find in all the goopy sauce.  I picked through it and ate the oysters I could find, ignored the sauce and ate the vegetables.  A disappointment. 

Pat and Bonnie had coconut shrimp and I would call that a little bit burned.  I did notice that neither of them finished their plate or took any food home.

All looks good but it was all mediocre.

Anita had a winner.  Tortilla chicken salad that was very good.

Marilyn’s pasta looks bland but she said it was good.

So where are we going next week.  Pura Vida in the south end of the Golden Zone.

Lunch is over and everyone has a chat. 

Time to head out.  Marilyn, Cathy, Pat and I went off to have a look in the Michael’s store before heading down to Henderson’s for meat.  This Michael’s store is quite good and has an enormous amount of stock.  So much that you can’t really get a grip on what is for sale.  I should have taken more pictures there.  There was a really neat little metal Christmas tree that I might consider if I can think of a place to put it.  Luckily the house has been completely decorated and we like it so there isn’t much to add.  I will buy a long bureau dresser for the master bedroom to hold a new TV.  The main TV is an old LCD but it’s just fine for now.
I picked up some frozen beef tenderloin for 130 pesos (under $10 Canadian which is dirt cheap) and Pat and Cathy bought this and that there as well.  Always good quality reasonably priced meat at Henderson’s.

So a nice afternoon with friends but not a restaurant we’d return to.


  1. That was a disappointment for sure. The chicken tortilla salad did look good. Always enjoy your write-up on ladies lunch out. Did you go to the Michaels at the North end? I love all of their stores but that one most. They have the nicest little hand blown cream pitchers - some with blue stripe at the top and others with brown or green and different shapes. I like the "chubby" ones with the blue stripes - have bought perhaps 7 or 8 as they make the nicest little gifts. Hope your are enjoying your new home and now you know where to find a cream pitcher should you need one.😊😊😊

    1. Yes it was that Michael's and it is the nicest! I'll have to look for those cream pitchers next time.

  2. Somebody is having fun! When is the housewarming party?

  3. Well... we'll have a few people over at a time but neither of us want a big house warming. We've been so busy trying to get the house up to speed that we haven't even had any visitors. All in good time I guess!

  4. Too bada bout the lunch. But we all appreciate your review.
