Wednesday, October 30, 2019

So what happened yesterday in Coos Bay?

A quiet start to the day yestrday.  Manny was off to Eugene for his doctor's appt and to have Connie's Lincoln MKX serviced.  Connie would ordinarily go with him but she is still not up to snuff.  Eric was off to the GMC dealer at 1pm to see if they could figure out what was going on with all the noise under the hood.  As I said earlier, the pulleys have all been replaced including the tensioner as well as replacing the already new serpentine belt.  After an hour waiting at GM in the waiting room the mechanic came out to talk to Eric and show him under the hood.  He said there was nothing wrong with the compressor and it was just belt noise.  Eric said he knew it was belt noise but where was it comiing from?  A discussion took place and Eric said he had to keep looking and figure it this point another mechanic was listening and he came over to see what was up.  He said he'd get his mirror and take a look and the first guy disappeared after telling Eric he had to go back to the waiting room.  Some time later the second mechanic came out to talk to Eric.  Turns out that the power steering pulley had walked itself out of line and was causing all the belt noise.  He pulled off all the plastic housing above it so he could get a bolt in and tighten it up. Now quiet and Eric was beyond relieved.  Obviously this young very good mechanic had seen this before and it turns out to be a common problem.  They could tear it all apart and replace it to the tune of $300 but it could just happen again.  At least Eric now knows what he would have to do to fix it.  Eric then said I owe you a beer,  the mechanic said we accept beer and so Eric gave him an 18 pack because he was so happy it was fixed  Once again...never a dull moment. 

I hung out with Connie for the day and Mitzi entertained us. Dinner last night was ribs a la Manny and they were delicious.  An early night to bed. 

It's a bit warmer today and the wind isn't quite so cold. 

Today Eric is taking the truck to get a new set of tires which is really irritating him as the tires would last another few years at home but we are not driving into Mexico and having a flat tire.  It's only money...right!


  1. I could use a mechanic like that right now, having trouble with the fan clutch. Someone always knows something and he came along at the right time.

  2. Eric says the thermostat could be sticking and it's a cheap part but you have to drain the antifreeze to change it.

  3. Lucky to find a mechanic who found and fixed the problem. I would have given him an 18 pack as well.
