Monday, October 28, 2019

A day in Coos Bay with Manny.

 No big early start today but we were eating breakfast around 9am.  Manny made us fresh biscuits and gravy.  This is not something we have ever had.  The gravy had ground beef and onions and it was darn tasty.  Connie was up and on her feet but she sounds worse today than yesterday.
 She did eat breakfast but decided she wasn't well enough to go a tour with us today.  We started off with a trip to the drugstore where Manny got medication and I picked up some Xyzal allergy pills for Eric.  These work better than anything else he's taken but you can't get them in Canada.  Go figure.  Then on to North Bend and the Walmart so I could pick up beer and a few groceries.
 At this point Manny took us on the tour of Coos Bay and the surrounding area.  All pictures today were taken on my Samsung S7 phone and it does a pretty darn good job.  Zooming out the window while we were travelling.
 Boats in the harbour.
 More boats in the harbour!
 and....more boats.
 Time for lunch.  Manny took us to a really nice fish pub and restaurant for lunch.
 Yummy cod tacos.  Great price at $7.95.
 Eric had Snapper and chips and he said it was delicious.
 Too big to eat as a taco so a fork it was.
 Nice little bar. We all had pop and water because it was too early in the day for us to drink beer.
 See...I was actually there.  I paid the bill and it was very reasonable for excellent food and great service.  Manny says there is a line up out the door here during the summer.  I believe it.
 After lunch we went for a drive along the shoreline and through the many lovely RV parks along the water.

 I actually got out of the car here to take a picture.  Had my down vest on as the wind feels like it came from Canada...which it probably did!  Cold everywhere down here right now except for California which is burning up.  We will not be going down the coast to head south as there are too many fires.
 This is a long zoom photo on my phone and there are hundreds of sea lions or seals out there.  It sounded like a huge pack of barking dogs!
Really pretty scenery today and Manny was an excellent tour guide because he's lived here most of his life.

So...we were home by about 3pm and Eric and Manny had a listen to the noise under the hood.  It appears to be coming from the A/C that we had repaired this summer at home.  Maybe the clutch.  Now what?  Eric will try phoning our GMC dealer at home who did the repairs and see what they have to say.  It was expensive as the compressor, belt etc. were all replaced in July to the tune of $1750.00 and there should be some recourse.  Also along with that our tire saga continues.  The truck tires have plently of rubber but the last alignment that was done wasn't right and they are worn on the outside.  Another alignment was done but once a tire starts wearing funny keeps wearing funny.  So ....probably a new set of tires for the truck along with another alignment.  This was never a problem with the previous two sets of Michelins but it is.

Never a dull moment!  Tomorrow is another day.  Manny is off to Eugene for a specialist appointment and a car servicing and Eric and I will stay home.  Connie will likely be in bed. 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a beautiful place. Too bad that Connie isn’t feeling well. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. Weather looks great too. A great start to your trip.
