Above is the link to the first Christmas eve party when over 50 people attended!
Last night we were a pretty large group. We start to gather at 4pm for happy hour with an appetizer style dinner to follow.
Here you see Dennis on the left and Eric and Reg on either side of Fred. Fred and Marion are here for 3 weeks staying in the Luna Palace. We've known Fred and Marion since 2009 when we were neighbors in the Las Jaibas RV park. Is it just me or does Fred look exactly the same even though he is now 91 years old! Still sharp as a tack.
The table is starting to fill up. Pat likes to have everyone over on Christmas eve as none of us have family to celebrate with. She named it Vagabond Christmas Eve and over the years we have all become very good friends.
A few new comers but mostly people who have known each other for years.
Sue and Chris on the left and Hal and Helene on the right.
Marilyn's daughter and friend who are visiting from Alberta. Michelle is heading home today and Melissa is here for another week.
Bill and Stu having a chat.
Ruth in the back chatting to Dennis. The park is so different now with the jungle gone and concrete walls.
That's Marion with her back to us. Lots of people don't see each other very often now that we are all scattered in condo's and houses. Also, so many don't come anymore and some have passed are missed and we reminisce about you and old times often.
Here we are standing and listening to Pat as she welcomes us and remarks on how lucky we are to all gather together at Christmas. We were alerted when Reg blew his horn!!
Always a gracious hostess.
And now it will be time to eat. A table of various appetizers and also dessert.
Bits and pieces that become a feast with plenty for all. Ruth was fussing about her meatballs and I was fussing about my mini quiches that stuck to the pan.....did any of it matter....of course not!
Looks good don't you think?
Well look who decided to join the party.....Pat's chachalacas! The whole darn family came! Pat feeds all the birds so they are sure they are welcome.
Momma and Daddy and all the children too! They sit under Reg's chair and he feeds them cornflakes!
Frank chatting to Ruth and Marilyn. We have two Marilyn's and this is Marilyn and Dennis's sister in law Marilyn. Confusing...a bit!
Hi guys!
Ruth, Marilyn, me and Marion. Good friends for a long time.
By 5:45 it was starting to get dark and the cold wind was blowing and it was time for everyone to head home. Another lovely evening in Mazatlan with friends. Thanks so much Pat and Reg for hosting this special party. Another memory for us all.
Good night Mazatlan!
Great blog thanks.