Friday, November 8, 2019

Day One in the house was an interesting one!

I really should do a blog post with pictures detailing yesterday’s travels, our arrival at the house etc. etc.  However…I’m now on cell data till I get our Wifi hooked up and since that’s not happening for a few more days and I'm just too tired this is the best I can do.   
So….night before last we stayed at the Fiesta hotel in Navojoa. Dinner was at the Best Western just down the street and it was good.  I had a Mediterranian salad and Eric had Tres Marias enchiladas.  Early to bed and on the road the next morning by 7:30 am after another continental breakfast and this one was less than mediocre.   Yesterday's travel was on Sinaloa roads and they aren’t like the new concrete Sornora ones.  Some areas were repaved but a lot were rough and ...lots of expensive tolls.    However…we weren’t pulling the RV so it was a lot easier on us because the fifth wheel wasn't bashing around behind us.  I might also add that in the two days travel from the Mexican border we did not see even one RV.  No motorhomes, no trailers or 5th wheels.  Odd.
We arrived in Maztalan and to our new house by 2pm yesterday afternoon.  Made good time and only stopped for fuel once and ate our sandwiches as we drove.  Eric wanted to get in early as we had to get the water started in the house and Doug, the previous owner’s brother in law and park worker Rueben were ready to help us..  Doug and Rueben have been maintaining the house since it was built so they have their method of doing things and that's fine with us. In the end that wasn’t the biggest issue.  Turns out we’d had a rat in the house which has never been an issue anywhere in the complex before.  It came up the drain pipe in the laundry room and chewed it’s way out. Now it was free to run rampant in the house.  It wasn’t in the house all winter and was discovered recently by the maid. Rueben set traps and bait and tried to hunt it down.  In the end it tried to get back down the drain and got stuck and died.  Hope it was the only one in the house! While it was inside it was everywhere.  Into, over and under everything which means everything has to be washed.  Even chewed up the toilet seat trying to get water.  Rueben and the maid had cleaned after it was dead but you know how it is when you come into a place that hasn’t been your own.  You have to clean everything…which I would have done anyway...even without a rat!  Very hot and humid right now so the A/C is running full tilt.  Las night dinner was at Latino’s just a bit up the street.  Excellent food.  Mexican salad with seared tuna for me and ceviche with yam chips for Eric. 
Today I spent about 6 hours scrubbing out cupbords while Eric  swept, unloaded the truck and put things together.  Hot and sweaty work even with the A/ C on.  By 4pm we’d unloaded the canopy and the Jeep washed what we could and were done for the day.  A few beer and back to Latino’s for dinner which was a truly good culinary experience.  Poblano fettucine for me and a tuna appetizer for Eric.  Delicious.  This morning we went to El Seis for coffee and huebos rancheros. 
Tomorow …groceries and water.  The portable dishwasher has been unloaded and set up so hopefully it will be in operation tomorrow.  All the bedding and towels have to be washed as well. 
Not the best welcome but…we’re happy to be here and hope there isn’t more than one rat.

Luckily I'm not squeamish about rats as I've been exposed to all sorts of vermin over the years.  This summer I had a packrat in my garden shed.  When I went in one day I heard it thumping...which tells you that it's a pack rat.  I found it in a big garden pot and managed to dump it into a small cage.  Eric was out on the motorcycle or he would have disposed of it.  I on the other hand drove it over the bridge next to us and relocated it to Kleanza Creek Park.  Not because I'm a wildlife freak but....because I was to wimpy to kill it!  Once it was over the couldn't get back. 

Eric did also mention that since no rats have ever been a problem in the complex and that now they are it's likely got something to do with all the brush removal for new development and loss of....Rat habitat! 

Tomorrow is a new day!


  1. Welcome to your new home. Sorry about the rat welcome. Enjoy setting up your new Mazatlan list.

  2. RATS!!! Just when everything was going so well.
