Thursday, June 14, 2018

A Water Line To The RV Building

When we got home this year Eric decided it was time to get water to the building where the 5th wheel is stored.  He washes and waxes the 5th wheel over the summer and that has meant dragging a hose from the garden over the lawn to get water and it is not convenient at all.  We already have power and a septic tank there but…not water. 


This is a picture from when we got home at the beginning of May and you can see not much of anything is growing.  On the left is the hosta garden and they are just poking their heads up out of the ground.  Far in the distance on the right you can see a speck of brown which is our pump house building.  In the early days before we had the gravity water system we used a shallow well.   The water line from the house goes to it and this is how Eric brought water to the garden.  There is a water line under the ground to the head of the dry stream bed and he decided to tap into that to get water to the building.


The poly pipe has been moved and spliced in and continued down the stream bed. It was then fished under the lawn through the previously laid drainage pipe.  The dry stream bed has plastic under it and is used to drain ground water away from the front yard and channel it out into the gravel on the other side of the lawn by the RV building.  


Here Eric is working on the box where he will have taps to shut off and drain the water line when we leave in the fall. 


Under this box is another hole with drain rock in it so the drainage water from the pipe on the right has some where to go when it rains.


All nice and neat and when he’s done the lawn will be replanted and the box will be level so we can mow over it. 






Success….we have water! 


…and lots of it.  Eric has put a pipe with taps at each end of the building and I can use the water for the front part of the garden, the lawn and Eric will have water for washing the RV.  If someone comes to stay we can now hook the RV up to water.   All good!


It’s the first week of June and the hosta’s have put on some growth.  Behind them the rhododendron is in full bloom.  When I planned the hosta garden I ordered many different ones so they would make a varied display.  Turned out nice….don’t you think!


To the left the dry stream bed and in the distance the RV building…now with water. 


I missed putting pictures of the Kubota picking up the branches and small trees that Eric has been cutting down and I have helped to pile. Here he just slid under the pile and closed the grapple to pick up the brush.  The grapple on front and the logging winch on the back and he can easily switch to the bucket if he needs it.


Up high in the air and off to the burning pile in the field.  Still lots of hand work hauling everything out of the bush and piling it but we’d be lost without the grapple to pack the brush away.  If we are out working together we just pile the brush right on the grapple.


I decided to walk out into the field and take a picture of the burning pile that we’ve created and on the way I passed Eric’s scrap metal collection.  Whenever he needs to weld something up or do a repair this is where he comes.


The burning pile.  It is about 12 feet high and won’t get burned until the fall. 


A bit of sunshine and the yard looks nice! 


  1. Wow the hosts garden looks fabulous.... more pictures of the gardens please... and the front of the house.. so I can see how clear it is now...


  2. I of course meant HOSTA garden!!!!! Love auto correct

  3. A very good and professional job! The hostas are lovely but don't the deer munch them? We are not fenced here and I cannot grow hostas anywhere other than on our deck.

  4. We don't have a problem with deer here as there is too much snow in the winter. We see them occasionally but they don't bother us. Prince Rupert is overrun because they don't get much snow.
