Monday, May 28, 2018

Family Mexican Dinner with Karen & Eric

Last week we were off to daughter Erika’s and son-in-law Wade’s for a family dinner with Wade’s sister Karen and husband Eric.  Karen and Eric moved to Nanaimo from Terrace a number of years ago but in the early days we shared a lot of family occasions here in Terrace with them.  Their youngest son Lee even painted our house when he was on break from University.  Nice people and now we have another common interest as they are both retired and just did their first RV trip south last winter in their newly purchased second hand 5th wheel.  After a tire blow out they put new tires on it and then decided to get new axles as the old tires were wearing oddly.   Tires are an ongoing problem for everyone who tows a trailor any distance.  Sad but true!


When Erika invited us to dinner I said I’d bring Mexican rice as she was doing fish.  This morphed into an all out Mexican dinner which is why she is wearing the Las Jaibas Chili cook-off apron that I had given her!  She should have had a sombrero on too.


That’s Karen sticking her tongue out at me when I took a picture of her eating chicken wings.  The two Eric’s are chatting in the background.  Karen and Eric are on a “no carb” diet right now but Eric said to heck with it for dinner.  Karen stuck to it!


Grand daughter Abby on the left is trying one of Lauren’s stuffed mushrooms.  Lauren is Wade’s sister Teresa’s daughter.  Wade has three older sisters (Teresa, Karen and Kelly) and he is the baby and only boy in the family!


The stuffed mushrooms are out and there is lots of catching up chat going on.  


Erika is frying up the halibut for fish tacos.  Wade bought some flash frozen fresh halibut from the Queen Charlotte’s (aka Haida Gwai!) the week before so it will be a tasty treat for dinner. 


Dinner is served!


Corn and black bean salad, Mexican rice, mango salsa and fish tacos with purple cabbage and chipotle/sour cream sauce.  Absolutely delicious!


We did make short work of all that food and there wasn’t much left over.  What a treat to have fresh halibut.  In Mexico Eric and I eat dorado, red snapper, tuna, shrimp and whatever else is fresh. 


That’s one colorful salad and I even got a little bit to take home.


This is Abby’s creation.   German chocolate cake filled and topped with a yummy coconut filling and then smothered in a chocolate frosting.  It was to die for!  As mentioned before Abby is a very accomplished baker. 

After dinner everyone except Eric, Wade and I trooped out to the barn to see Abby’s new little foal.  I’ll take pictures and blog that later. 

A lovely dinner with family and a good time was had by all. 


  1. Yummy looking dinner. Do you just combine the sour cream and chipotle to taste or do you
    have a recipe you will share? TIA

  2. Sandy I'll ask my grand daughter for the recipe as she made it!
