
Wednesday, December 7, 2016

This and that…in the last week.


We’ve been in Mazatlan for the last three weeks and are starting to settle in.  The weather when we arrived was hot and humid and we were running the A/C steady and now…it is cool at night and we are running the heater in the morning.  Nice for my morning walk and sleeping but not as nice for swimming as the ocean has cooled off.  Oh well…you can’t have everything.


I think this is a Western Tanager.  There are so many birds here in the back of the park there is always something to see.


This was the day after the first big rainstorm and a good day to wash the rig.  The cap on the front had lots of baked on bugs  and the rest just had road grime.



Big Red has been under wraps since we arrived as Eric has only had swimming on his mind.  Now that it’s cooled down he’ll go out for a ride.  It’s not fun riding when it’s smoking hot…especially inland.


Our friends Connie and Manny have just arrived in Mazatlan and Connie dropped by with the dogs for a visit and also to bring me some bug spray.  I didn’t remember to bring mine and bug spray here is full of perfume.  The little dog on Eric’s lap is Mitzi a young chihuahua that they bought here in Mexico last year.


Connie and Manny are staying in El Cid for the winter now but they were in Las Jaibas for many years. 


That’s Ramona that Eric is patting and she has been our long time favorite dog.  She always visited when we were farther up in the park and I always had a piece of cheese for her and she hasn’t forgotten.    She is getting old now but she can still dance on her back feet if I have a cheese treat for her. 


Connie is heading out with the dogs and Ramona is doing her usual…” I don’t want to go” trick and is making Connie drag her.  We all know who’s running the show!  In Ramona’s mind she could do without a boisterous little sister who chews on everything including her.


Manny and Eric catch up.  We didn’t travel last year so it’s good to see old friends again.


There is a big line of pull thru’s in the back of the park and they have been filling up regularily with over -nighters who are travelling south.


The back row and there is only us and one other rig. 

People at home have asked “What on earth do you do all winter?”  Well I  have been keeping busy with my usual winter activities and today is ladie’s lunch out.  Tuesday afternoon is cards and Thursday is bingo.  When you add in a morning walk for me, bicycling for Eric, weights, going to the beach, walking on the beach, swimming and all the usual household activities like shopping, cooking and cleaning we are more than busy.   In fact….by 9:30 pm I am ready for bed.   The good news is we are doing all of this in the sunshine. 

Life is good.

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