Monday, February 16, 2015

We deliver the fruits of our labors to the Orphanage.

Today a group of us went to the orphanage to deliver some of the money that was raised at our Chili Cook Off. 

It was a very successful event this year and the money donated by all the generous people who attended allows us to pay power bills, water bills with money left over for school uniforms and food. 

We left the park in Dick and Val’s truck and Frank and Sandi’s jeep.


Dick and Val had visited the orphanage yesterday to make sure that Geraldo and Lupita would be home.  When we arrived we were warmly greeted as always.


Sandi is always quick to scoop a small child and this little guy was happy that she did.  Al is in the background and he is our interpreter.   Al is completely fluent in Spanish so it makes it very easy for us to communicate.  Val has some Spanish, as does Frank and the rest of us do our best!  IMG_2570

Val is talking to Geraldo and Lupita’s daughter, Laura who has just obtained her nursing license and is now working in a hospital.  IMG_2571

Here she is explaining the training that she has obtained.  She also speaks reasonably good English which is helpful.  As many people have been visiting the orphanage over the years they have seen the children grow up and they remember us when we visit. IMG_2572

Al is listening to Geraldo and translating so that we know what he is saying.  Usually John and Geri would be with us and John would translate but health reasons have kept them home this year.  We are grateful that Al, Millie’s travelling companion was able to step in and translate for us.  IMG_2573

The children amuse themselves while the adults talk.  This little fellow is the one Sandi was holding and had scabs on his face.  I’m guessing this vehicle may have been the problem!  IMG_2574

Frank is passing a bag of pesos to Geraldo and Al is explaining that we will also pay the utilities as well.  It is very emotional for Geraldo and Lupita to receive this gift and they appreciate it very much. IMG_2575

They are always overwhelmed by our generosity and so very grateful.  I asked Al to convey that we “get as much as we give!”  Very true for all of us. IMG_2576

They will take the money to the bank and it will allow them to operate the orphanage for another year.  Would they be able to do this without us, probably, but it would be a very difficult task.  Their gates are always open to any child in need and this will make the next year much easier for them.

I did tell their daughter, Laura what lovely people her parents were and she agreed.  I said that we could see how happy all the children were in their care.  IMG_2577

Frank was in charge of the Chili Cook Off event last year and again this year.  It is a huge job and he has run it with great efficiency and tact and made it very easy for everyone helping to participate.  Many, many people worked very hard to put the whole event together.    IMG_2578

Geraldo is saying a prayer blessing us and our efforts.  Al is translating and the cracks in his voice as he does so convey the emotion that Geraldo and Lupita feel.  IMG_2579

Al passed our comments to Geraldo and Lupita telling them how much we appreciate their efforts with the children.  


Val is holding Carla’s hand.  She is about 12 and is a budding cocinera or cook and helps Lupita in the kitchen.  IMG_2582

That’s Ruthie in front and I teased her about her missing front teeth.  She is a character!  Al is on one of the hand driven carts and the little guy is giving him lessons!IMG_2583

It’s now time for a group picture and Geraldo is getting everyone organized.  IMG_2585

I had the camera ready and said “Queso!” or cheese and got great smiles out of everyone.  The amount of children in their care varies when we visit.  Today Lupita said some were home visiting with their parents who can’t care for them on a daily basis.   IMG_2587

Geraldo and Lupita’s daughter, Laura took a picture with me in it and she said “Pizza!” and got the same good smile out of everyone.


Here we are exchanging email addresses and I explained to their daughter about the Blog.  She understood and it will be nice for them to see what happens in the park and what the Chili Cook Off looked like.  I did show Geraldo a picture of the cook off on the camera showing the almost 400 people who attended and he was amazed!  He said it looked like a fair!


It was time to leave and at this point Frank, Al,Geraldo and one of the boys were off to pay the bills.  IMG_2590

Geraldo will give directions to Al who will interpret and Frank will get them there.IMG_2591

Lupita heads inside with the children. IMG_2592

Ready to go and Dick will take Val, Sandi, Millie and I back to the park.  IMG_2593

The sign on the gate. 

So thanks to all the people who attended our event and all the people who worked so hard to make it possible. 

In the end….we all get as much as we give. 

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