Sunday, February 22, 2015

A Stick Bug Came To Visit

IMG_2687  IMG_2689

Eric was sitting on the patio and saw this stick on the patio screen.  He wondered what it was.  It’s a “stick bug” said I….and went for my camera.

I blogged one a few years ago and haven’t seen one since.  A very clever disguise don’t you think.  They don’t move so you won’t know what they are.


I grabbed a pocket book, set a page under him/her and it quickly scrambled on.  Surprisingly they can move very quickly and once it was on the bougainvillea it settled into stealth mode.  Interesting.

1 comment:

  1. HUGE! They are huge! We've seen them but not that big - boy - I wish we had would be fun to show Cassia.
