Friday, November 28, 2014

Mañana Mexico!

We have quit dawdling and will head into Mexico tomorrow.  We won’t leave until 10 ish as we only have to go 200 miles to Edgar and Anna’s Punta Vista RV park in Santa Ana.  Our paperwork is done so we don’t have to deal with that which saves us some time.  The only thing that I will do in the morning is put all my frozen meat that I don’t want the Mexicans to take away when we cross the border into my cold bag and hide it in the garage.  It’s worked for the past two years so wish me luck….Eric says I can go to prison by myself if I get caught!

I walked toward town this morning and it was very quiet. 


Many small houses along the street.  Some in great repair….some not.  IMG_1423

When I read the Ajo visitor’s publication I counted 10 churches in town.  That’s a huge amount for such a small town.  This is the Catholic one. 



I wasn’t sure what this building actually was but apparently it’s the Curley School Artisan Apartments.


One of the historic downtown buildings.IMG_1427

Beautiful architecture.IMG_1428


Hard to see but this is an Antique/junk shop.  We have lots of the stuff for sale here at home in our barn!IMG_1430

Looking toward downtown from the other side of the street.  Pretty quiet for a Friday morning!IMG_1431

A few houses have fruit trees in their yards.  I wonder if they pick the fruit.IMG_1432

Pretty little houses. IMG_1433

This fellow walks his Burro up the inside edge of the park every day.  Today he was practicing his rope tricks.IMG_1434

Late today a big 5th wheel from B.C. pulled in a couple of spots over from us.  It was quite a wiggle for him to get it into the spot.  Eric had gone over for a shower while this was happening and when he was coming back the guy who just came in came over to talk.  It was almost dark and Eric could hardly see who he was talking to.  He asked where in B.C. we were from and Eric said Terrace.  Turns out the guy used to work up in our area back in the 70’s when we first moved there.  He worked for the Munson’s who own Bear Creek logging.  He and Eric had a quick conversation about what’s going on up our way economically with the current mini boom.  This fellow’s  daughter lives in Prince Rupert and he and Eric had a chat about the old road to Rupert.  About that time his wife showed up with a flashlight to find him.  Her comment was “ Larry are you bothering the neighbors already!”   They are heading for San Carlos, Mexico. 

Is it a small world or what! 

Maybe we’ll have time to find out who they are in the morning before we leave. 


  1. It will be nice to see Edgar and Anna. I hope they are well!

    1. Anna seems very sharp and is smart enough to use a walker. Edgar as you will see in my blog is not doing as well. Life is not kind to all of us.

  2. Ha! Too funny about your BC neighbour…..and his wife. WoW! Ajo is looking pretty good - super quiet! Have a good travel day tomorrow!

  3. Hi Kathryn. It's snowing. Remember as kids we would be thrilled if it snowed before Elisa's birthday. It's tomorrow. Love joy

    1. She is on my mind and travelling with me. I have her little silver ring with me and it keeps her close. She would have been young.

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