Friday, February 7, 2014

Off to the Doctor and I’m feeling great and then the next day I’m sick!

The week in review due to health and busyness!

MONDAY…..Eric and I hopped the Green bus to go down to Centro to see Dr. Olalde.  We’ve been seeing him over the past couple of years and value his opinion.  I needed to have a routine blood test to monitor my C Reactive protein which is a marker for temporal arteritis and I wanted Eric to see him regarding his longstanding  (20year) stomach/intestinal woes.  I had a nice chat with Dr. Olalde about my general health which is good right now and we also discussed the Immunocal that I have been taking since last year.  It was upon his recommendation and he has been taking it himself and says that he is feeling much healthier and has much more energy than last year.  We are the same age…I will be 65 in June and he will be 65 in July.  I take a large number of vitamins that are targeted to inflammation as well but I think the Immunocal has made a difference.  I think Dr. Olalde’s genetics are better than mine as his father just passed away at age 100! 

So…. I trotted up the street to get a blood test and Eric stayed to talk.  I had done some research on a drug called Rifaximin which is called Flo Norm here in Mexico and used for travelers diarrhea but also used to treat long standing conditions such as IBS.  So…. long story short.  Dr. Olalde agreed it would be a good idea to try it and wrote a prescription for Rifaximin, and a couple of other prescription drugs as well.  We are hopeful it will help.  Dr. Olalde unlike a lot of North American Doctors is not offended if you have an opinion about your health and treatment. 


The square on the way to the Malecon to catch the bus home.   P1050732

Lovely old building no matter where you look.  P1050733

Waiting for the bus and there is a Mexican feeding the birds off a stick.  A tourist attraction. P1050734

Frigate birds swooping in to take the fish. P1050735

Frigate birds.  This is an unusual sight brought about by hand feeding.  Normally you only see them soaring lazily in the sky.  

Back on the bus and home. 

TUESDAY…..didn’t turn out to be a stellar day.  I woke up feeling nauseous and headachy.  Rats…I’ve been feeling so good.  I did my morning walk and when I came back I still wasn’t feeling well and diarrhea had entered into the equation.  I took a couple of Treda which includes neomycin and some anti-diarrhea drugs and we went shopping.  By the time we got home I was not better, but worse so no lunch and I laid down.  Leftovers for Eric for supper, nothing for me and now I was vomiting.  More Treda.

Well the other problem with all of this is that Saturday is the 5th Annual Las Jaibas Chili Cook Off and I am one of the cooks.  I had bought the ingredients and since I like to cook my chili a couple of days ahead it was time to get started. 

WEDNESDAY…. afternoon I was feeling slightly better so I put on my latex gloves and chopped the chilies, onions, celery and garlic and bagged them all up.  It is a huge job to make two very large pots of chili in an RV, not to mention cooling so that it can be reheated on Saturday.  This year there will be 20 cooks and the event is getting huge.  A far cry from year one when it was just a small social event.  There is a big raffle, fifty fifty draw, beer and water sales and even a band.  Big doings!  In the end it is a huge charity event for the small orphanage that we support. 

THURSDAY….. I was much improved and it was time to cook the chili.  Eric said it looked like a science experiment with all the recipe pages, internet and food strewn everywhere.  Again it’s a big deal to do this in an RV.  Those of you cooking who read this know what I am saying!  By 12:30 I had it bubbling on the stove and in the crock pot and I was mostly cleaned up.  This year I kept careful track of what I put in and wrote it all down so that it will be easier next year if I cook again.  I left Eric to stir the “witches brew” and was off to play cards.  No bingo that night as I was too tired and still not up to par. 

FRIDAY and I am feeling much better.  Turns out I am not the only one in the park who is under the weather.  Here it is hard to know what the problem is.  Food, water, virus….could be anything.  Dr. Olalde said it would take a gringo 12 years to develop proper immunity in Mexico.  We don’t have that long!!!

Today the tents, chairs and beer were delivered by Tecate.  The raffle items were put together and tomorrow it will all happen.


The beer awaits in the front office. 


The raffle items are put together.


The chairs are ready to be set out.


The tents that we will have our tables set up under to serve chili are ready…..and so are we…..I hope!  

Stay tuned!!!

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