Saturday, January 7, 2012

Will this Bocce tournament ever end?

Thursday January 5, 2011

Today is our grandson Shane’s 7th birthday.  Our daughter Krista, husband Jeff and children Shane and Ava (5) live in Gibsonia, P.A. and we rarely get to see them.  Happy Birthday Shane!

Eric decided to pretty Big Red up today and boy does he hate that job!   I know some guys like to wash their bikes but …grrr..not Eric! 



Looks pretty nice when it’s done though.

Bocce games were played yesterday and again this morning and I think both the players and the cheering section are getting tired. It looks like this may drag on until Saturday when the final game will be played. Jeanette is planning a Bocce hamburger barbecue pot luck on Saturday so that should be fun. As much as everyone thinks all we do is eat there hasn’t been as much of that this year. Christmas and a bit of pizza and appy parties but nothing outrageous.


Gunter and Sharen defeated John and Bill.


Early rounds and  Sandi and Manny defeat Fred and Sam.  As the tournament progressed they had to play each other two more times including the championship game. 


So, who plays who next?


Brenda and Jeanette defeat Ron & Dick.


The crowd intently watching.


So where do you think that ball ended up?

 P1010991 P1010993

Good size crowds in the cheering section.


Fred and Sam defeat Marilyn and Eddie. 


Jeanette and Brenda defeat Gunter and Sharen. 


Hip young dudes!


Fred and Sam defeat Sharen and Gunter.

Friday January 8, 2012

Play resumed this morning with Manny and Sandi up against Fred and Sam. 


Manny looking very intent in the final, final game!  As both Sandi and Manny as well as Sam and Fred had only lost one game each they ended up playing each other “three” times in this tournament.  They played back to back games  this morning and Fred and Sam won the semi-final as well as the final. 

The teams were evenly matched and the games were close and tense for all.  A lot of fun and really good Bocce. 


The four finalists.  Sandi, Fred, Manny and Sam.


Everyone played really well and in the end Fred and Sam were the winners.  Great job guys!

P.S. I don’t think anyone wants to play or watch Bocce for awhile. 

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