
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Windy, cloudy, cool and now the dratted sea fog is back!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Last year we were plagued by sea fog on an almost daily basis and we had hoped to escape it this year.  Not to be.  Today it rolled in late morning and now you can hardly see the road from the rig.  As well as that it really hasn’t been very warm and swimming for Eric has been out of the question.  The poor Mexican Christmas holidayers have sucked it up and gone in but they look pretty “frio!”   Happy hours have been short and the attire has progressed to winter jackets.  Oh well, at least it isn’t snowing.  The projection was for a La Nina winter and I guess that’s what we are getting.  Not snowing yet!


Here is the fog rolling in just before sunset.

The usual little activities are taking place in the park….hand and foot card game on Thursdays….bunko on Tuesdays…..Bocce tournament….bingo on Tuesday nights…. and whatever else it takes to keep us amused.

Eric is pretty much over his cold now so he and Sam went for a ride on Tuesday before Pizza night.  They rode up to Concordia and then followed our GPS …Marjorie who seems to be working at the moment and north to try and take a circle road route back to Mazatlan.  Unfortunately  she directed them through one small town and then onto a dirt road and up a mountain where they had to turn around.  They could have continued on a quad but not on a Harley.  They were dirt biking and that’s not what you want to be doing on a big bike.  Added to that it was hugely hot there….the bike said it was over 100F and yet back on the beach it was 75F.  Wish we could import those inland temps to the beach. 

Eric decided to try our our Yagi antenna here in the park.  He has been looking for proper little muffler clamps to mount it but in the end he had to improvise because he couldn’t buy exactly what he wanted.  It is mounted on the slide and attached to a pole that he made special brackets to fit it into.  He turned it on today and just pointed it south and our usual two internet options became 27!  Amazing and that is only in one direction.  Two of them were open and he connected and said it just clicked along.  That gives us an option to use the Yagi if there are two many Skypers using the park internet. 



The Yagi.

Marilyn was visiting the other day and she spotted this visitor to the park.  I couldn’t believe how big this “grasshopper? cricket?” actually was.  I think he would be a meal in  some cultures.  Not mine!



He almost doesn’t even look real.

I also wanted to show you the beautiful vegetables that are so plentiful and cheap here in Mexico.  I don’t even bother to go to the vegetable market to get them but just pick out what looks good at the supermarket (Soriana’s.)



I have just soaked them all for 15 min. in the iodine vegetable wash that they sell here.  They have been rinsed and are now drying and I don’t have to worry about washing them all week.  Works for me!  I just plan my meals around what looks good and let’s face it most of it looks good!  I should also mention that everything is very cheap here compared to home.



People have many activities and crafts that they bring with them when they travel.  This is one of Sandi’s.  This is a section of a quilt that she is making for her son Brad.  Helene does a lot crafty sewing projects as well so she is very impressed with Sandi’s expertise.  It will be very beautiful when it is done.  So many people here have many hidden talents.

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