Sunday, December 19, 2010

A visit to the Orphanage.

Sunday December 19, 2010

I have decided not to go anywhere today as every time I do I have to update the blog!  Okay, besides which I am tired.

Yesterday morning  I went to the La Mision (Hogar Para Ninos)  orphanage to deliver the big bag of second hand clothes that came from my grand daughters Holly and Abby.  John accompanied  Betty, Sandi and I  with Boomer driving .  John helps with this orphanage as the Salvation Army gets help from many areas and these children need it more.   Both Betty and Sandi had an assortment of goods for the children.  Packsacks, school supplies, sundries  etc. etc etc.  and since John speaks Spanish it was good that he took us.  He and some of his friends have done a lot of work helping Lupita and Geraldo who run the home and they are happy to have anything we bring.  John and Gerri had already delivered a huge load of donated new jackets that they brought from their home in Arizona so this was a second trip for John. 

John told me that Lupita and Geraldo found Jesus and decided to dedicate their lives to the orphan children and so they opened their home to them.   The children come from prostitutes, families who can’t look after them and families who just don’t want them.  They have about 15 children right now and also feed any children in the area who need a meal.  It is a very poor area. 

We arrived with our truckload of goods to smiling happy faces, hugs and help with all that we brought.


Parked outside unloading our goods.

The children were so excited and Betty and Sandi were smart enough to bring treats for the children as well.  Children the world over are just the same and treats are always well appreciated.  The children are well looked after, fed, educated and loved.  Pretty special. 


Heading into their house.


Most of the children with Lupita.  Geraldo was not home this day. 

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These little guys are very intent in opening their candy canes and eating cheezies. 



Holly and Abby, do you see your clothes now in Mexico!


This is the temporary area where the girls are sleeping right now. Note the neatly made beds!


I noticed the children hanging out a couple of small holes in the brick wall, and guess what…..they can watch their own ballgames.


They too have Christmas tree for “Feliz Navidad”

John showed us the areas of the small compound that they live in and pointed out the things that he had helped with.  Plumbing so there would be separate showers for the boys and girls and also where Geraldo was redoing the area where the girls sleep.  He has raised the roof so it won’t be so hot and has new roofing so it won’t leak.  


The many things that we just take for granted are so special to these children. 


This is Lupita and Geraldo’s room.

It was a wonderful visit and I’d like to go back again.

I noticed one of their little female dogs well fed, but much in need of a wash and if they wouldn’t be offended I would bring supplies for it’s bath.  It probably also needs to be spayed I would guess. But, I’ll check with John to see what he says and if appropriate I’d help with that.  Since it is the children’s pet it would be nice to help if I can. 

When we got back John said how much what we had done was appreciated and I commented that “ I thought we  got more out of it than the children did.”    Very special. 

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