Friday, December 17, 2010

Mark and Claire continue on their way.

Friday December 17, 2010

Today is my youngest sister Joy’s birthday.  I was 13 when she was born so I was her second mother for the first few years.  She was a sweet little girl that I spoiled and took tons of pictures of with my Brownie camera.  Macaroni and wieners were her favorite food.   She grew up to be a beautiful woman with a big personality.  Happy 4… birthday Joy!

Yesterday I played Hand and Foot with the ladies.  We had 8 so we had two tables of four.   Connie and I played against Val and Mary.  It was good fun even if we did loose.  I’m getting the hang of the game and it’s fun because although there is some expertise involved there is not too much.  While we were playing Eric stopped to ask if I wanted to ride out with Sam, Rita, Claire and Mark as far as Esquinapa tomorrow.  Sam, Rita, Eric and I will go into Teacapan if there is time.

We were supposed to climb El Farrow with the gang today but we’ll leave that for another day and have a last ride with Claire and Mark.  I had intended to ask them over for chili last night  but since Pat decided to have appetizers as a last send off for them I’ll bring it there and share with everyone. 

The evening was a success even if  did get some good natured ribbing about illegally practicing my chili cooking skills.  This was the first time I tried the crock pot to cook it in and I’m glad I had a trial run.  The crock pot holds the liquid and I will need to leave the lid off when I do it for the chili cook-off in February.  Everyone ate, yakked and enjoyed themselves.  Lots of fun.


This is dark, but you get the idea! Drinking, eating and chat.


Pat and Claire.  Look at Pat’s Christmas lights….. nice!

I was on food duty tonight so I didn’t take a bunch of pictures. 

We won’t leave until 11ish today as Mark and Claire will have to dry out their tent before they can pack it up.  Lots and lots of stuff to put in their boxes.  They will be sad to leave us but it is time for them to carry on.

I have really enjoyed Claire’s company as she is a bit of a kindred spirit.  The same age as our daughters so she brings out the mother in me but she’s also old enough to just be a good friend.  Some people you meet are bright lights and she is one.  Good luck, safe riding and good karma on your journey Mark and Claire.

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