Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Getting back on track

Dec. 1, 2010

Last night was pizza night and it was fun.  Good job Sam!   The group of travelers  that had  arrived the night before  joined in for happy hour at the Palapa and one couple stayed for pizza.  It was interesting to talk to them and nice to see some new faces.  Pat and Jack were happy to see them as they have lots of old friends from La Penita.  The group headed out this morning at 7:30 to finish their trip. 




We all noted last night how much chillier it is here than it was last year.  The wind is cool and many people went back for a jacket after walking up front.  How the heck are we going to swim if it’s cold!

This morning Sam came over to see if we were up for a Harley ride.  As Eric is feeling better we said sure!  The first order of business was to go up and see Arnoldo.  Sam had been up to see him already and so he knew where to go so off we went.  When the two motorcycles showed up Arnoldo was really happy to see us.



That’s Arnoldo’s lovely wife Conchita up in the kitchen cooking. 

We had a little food and some chat and it was a really good visit.  Arnoldo and his wife really miss the park but it is just not economical for them to be here.  Too bad.  We’ll go see him again. 

When we left Arnoldo’s we headed off to El Quelite for a look see, and maybe a cuerveza or two.  The air temperature off the beach is much warmer so the ride was nice and warm.  I am also much more styling now since I have new riding boots, pants and a new Harley sweat jacket.  I’ll get a picture!  All much needed   When we got into the  town of El Quelite  we were greeted with the main street being all torn up and we had to detour through the north side of town.


What a mess!


This was not good for the Harleys as it was all dirt with big ruts and it would be really easy to drop a bike.    Not fun.  We did make it to the restaurant where the Ullama and traditional dances are held but it wasn’t a fun ride. 


The outside of patio of the restaurant.


The waitress thinks that it will be some time before the road is finished.  Not good for business.  We had a little visit from a young cabellero on a donkey as we finished up our lunch.  He rode up to the edge of the outside patio where we were sitting.  We didn’t have any coins to give him except about 10 cents but he seemed happy to just stop and chat.  He tried hard to get his donkey to rear up with whip and spurs but was not very successful.  Poor donkey, but it didn’t seem very concerned by the whole thing. 


The ride back was made easier since Rita and I walked down the torn up street and met Eric and Sam at the other end.  A much easier trip for the guys on the Harleys. 

When we got back to the park Chico was happy to be set free from his crate in the motorhome.  He is a puppy and Sam and Rita say it’s not safe to leave him loose by himself as he would destroy the rig if left by himself.    All in all it was a fun day.  Eric is now exhausted and is laying down and we are both still recovering from our long trip to Mazatlan.  A good day!

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