Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas 2010 at Las Jaibas

Once we were done with the Salvation Army performances it was time to turn our attention to Christmas.  I had decided to make a beet salad and an orange cake.  I started the cake on Thursday as it was to be drowned in orange juice and rum so it could age for a few days.  The beet salad was prepared on Friday and that left Saturday, Christmas day to set up. 


The tables were set up in the palapa and it all looked very festive.  There were four turkeys being cooked (donated by the park owner – Felipe) and the rest of us were making assorted dishes for the pot luck.  Once again Pat had stepped in and kept the food list organized.  What a nice lady. 


We set up a head table for Felipe and his family as well as Pepe(our manager) and his family.  Dennis the gardener/garbage man etc. also joined in.


Pepe’s wife, Pepe, Dennis and their son on left. Felipe’s wife and family on the right.


That’s Felipe on the right.

We started off with a game that Pat had prepared for us where we all wore a question or answer name tag that had something to do with Christmas.


See Eric, this is all you have to do.  Eric looks skeptical!


Who’s got the question and what is the answer.

We were all supposed to find the person with our question or answer to win.   Eric hates these types of  things but Pat pinned a tag on him anyway.  Pat is so nice Eric couldn’t say no to her!  Now wouldn’t you just know it when Pat drew the first question it was Eric’s and he knew that Fred had the answer to his question  and they won before anyone else got a chance to play.  Too funny.  It really cracked Pat up! 


Eric and Fred get a prize.

We all ate and drank until we could eat no more.  It was all really delicious and we were back at the rig by 6pm with stuffed full tummies.  A really yummy dinner. 



Romanian family from Alberta.  I wonder if they usually eat turkey at Christmas!




Blake (from Vernon) and Pepe.

So, a good time was had by all.

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