
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Trapped in the wind in Laughlin.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I had a chat with grand daughter Abby (9) in Terrace this morning and also daughter Erika.  They were apparently out taking Holly(12) to dance at 6:30 on Easter morning so I don’t know if that qualifies as doing something fun!  However, Erika and Abby did go for a trail ride as well so that was good.  Abby now has a new horse as the pony she had last year had some medical problems and had to be put down.  Sad for a little girl but it sounds like the new Morgan/Dutch 14yr old mare is a really nice horse. Big and robust and at  15-3 in size Abby will not outgrow her over the next few years.  Big enough for Erika to ride as well!  This horse came from Sherri Kirsch in Telkwa who is a girl that Krista and Erika grew up and rode with in Terrace. 

Monday was our 42nd anniversary and we spent it driving up and down the highway in Bullhead city looking for things on our list for the rig.  Didn’t really find anything much.  Everything is so spread out you could run out of fuel getting from one store to the next.  Have I mentioned that not many people walk here, probably. 

Anniversary’s lead you to reflect on life when you have been together all these years and since we started out with less than nothing we had nowhere to go but up.  It’s been a long interesting road together.  Life is a journey!

We found an internet connection at MacDonald’s and I managed to post the blog and check the weather heading north.  It looks like it is improving by Friday but this wind must slow down or the travel will be hideous!  Eric rode his bicycle on Monday morning and the wind was blowing so hard he was stalled and had to turn around and come back.

Apr 04 2010_5378

Our new spot down the hill.Apr 04 2010_5380

Yesterday (Tuesday) was a day to clean up the rig.  Vacuumed  everything and defrosted the fridge and then off to the mall after lunch.  Poor Eric, the wind has been so bad we haven’t been unable to unload Blue and he is stuck with going shopping.  How pathetic is that!  We thought we’d get a ride to Oatman but it looks like that will not happen.

Apr 04 2010_5381

Apr 04 2010_5383

Apr 04 2010_5386   Night shots of the casinos.  Pretty in the dark.

We are learning to switch gears and do what has to be done based on our location and the weather.  At home we are too busy to shop for clothes so if that is what is available here and we can’t do anything else, so be it.  Eric got two new pairs of jeans that he actually tried on.  I usually buy them and then return them when they don’t fit so this was a bonus for me.  If I can actually get him in a store he will pick out clothes that he likes which is a bonus for him! 

Today is Wednesday and once again the wind is screaming so I guess we’ll be going back to the mall.  The wind has been screaming ever since we left Mazatlan so it looks like we will stay longer next year and make a quicker trip home.  It blew in San Carlos, Yuma, Parker and now here.  Sure it’s sunny but you can’t sit outside without getting blown away and it is definitely not warm! 

1 comment:

  1. If you have not been to Oatman, you should go. Even in the truck. It is a neat town on the old part of Route 66. Dream about doing it in a 63 'Vette!

    Also, think about buying a Hawking dish. You will be amazed how much "free" Internet you can pick up with it.
