Monday, June 10, 2024

 Do not regret growing older,

It is a privilege denied to many.

Eric read me that quote and I have to say I'm greatful to be granted that privilege.

I had a normal day today on my 75th birthday and tomorrow I'll go for coffee with my friend Barb and then have lunch with daughter Erika. Of course groceries and errands too! It's been a cool spring so everything is electric green! A little warmer temperatures and some sun would be nice though😉 Eric's got "Blue" his 1997 Harley Heritage Soft tail back on the road and he's a happy guy. No electronics, not even a gas gauge! It does have a liter and and a half reserve so you better be close to a gas station if you miscalculate your mileage 😁 Lots of vibration and he just loves it. A real chick magnet too😁 I'm close to getting the gardens all weeded and the vegetables are up so all is well in my gardening world. Lots of wild natural plants growing in many of the beds. A birthday picture of me among the hostas and in front of my rhododendron. It's a similar color to, but not as large as the one in front of my Granny's house when i was growing up.. I planted mine about 45 years ago next to the house and as it grew it had to be rehomed!