Sunday, February 28, 2010

Bocci dinner and Wii bowling.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Yesterday afternoon we did some Wii bowling over at Pat and Jacks.  I played in round two and did okay and even ended up in the days finals.  For some reason I was hot and after four strikes in a row won the bowling trophy for a week.  Pat crocheted a cover for a bottle of champagne that looks like a bowling pin.  So corny it's cute.  I get to keep it for a week.

Those of us going for the Bocci dinner at Fat Fish " two for one night " headed out at 5:15 and seven of us piled into Bill and Jeanette's truck.  Kind of a Mexican ride except we didn't have the pick-up box full of people!  Eric didn't come so I had to drink two Pina Coladas (small) and just ordered my own dinner.  We were home by 6:30 pm so that was a real quick trip.  Eric hadn't even eaten his leftovers yet.   It was kind of nice in town at night with all the lights as it hides all the imperfections.  Can you tell I haven't been anywhere at night yet!

Eric is still not up to snuff yet and so I went to the beach by myself  again and it was really nice and  I even went in and had a little swim.  Lovely.  The wind has finally quit and it is warm again although it has really been cooling down at night.  Good for sleeping.

Friday February 26, 2010

Sam and Hal are doing some construction across from us at the Blue Bus.  Sam is helping Hal put an extension on top of their small Toyota pick-up (Hal and Helene's)  so that they can put a bed in it while they travel to and from New Mexico where they live in the summer in " another bus."

Hal & Sam building.

Looking good!

 Waiting for paint!
I'll post a picture of it finished if it's done before we leave.

Hal & Helene's Blue Bus.
We have now made plans to travel out of Mexico as far as San Carlos with Frank and Sandi.  We'll leave here on March 9th and stop in a Pemex in Los Mochis and then head to San Carlos the next day.  Frank and Sandi will spend the night and then head to Ajo, Arizona for the night before they go Scottsdale to see their kids and grandkids.  The grandkids have a ball tournament on that weekend so they wanted to get there to see that.   We don't care whether we leave a day or two early so it's good for both of us as it's nice to have someone to travel with.  We'll stay in San Carlos for a week and then head out and probably stay at Edgar and Anna's in Santa Ana before we head out to Arizona.  At least this is the plan for right now.

We went with the Friday night bunch to Los Floris in the Golden Zone tonight for 2 for 1 drinks and dinner tonight.   I had been to the beach "by myself again" and came back for an early shower to get ready to leave at 4:30 (shades of the early bird dinner!)   The group climbed up to 14 in numbers tonight and we were a little overwhelmed to start with as we headed out on the bus.  When we got off the bus to walk to the hotel it was nice to see the hustle and bustle of happy people shopping and getting ready for an evening out.    Los Floris is really nice as it's right on the ocean and we were sitting outside as well and once everyone got a couple of drinks under their belts it all got quite social.  Good fun and lots of chat.  The meal was okay and everyone was ready to go by just after seven.  We could have stayed a little later but we hopped into a Pulmonia with Hal and Helene and headed home.  The driver spoke excellent english and knew quite a bit about Canada.  Eric commented that all these shootings can't be good for business and he agreed saying it is even worse in the border towns, which we of course knew. He also said that he heads inland in the summer because the temperature climbs to 110F and the humidity to 90%, quite hideous!  So we were home before we usually even have dinner on our big night out.  Too funny!

Tomorrow I hope to get into the Golden Zone where they have some tents set up with stuff from Guadalahara.  It's supposed to be different that the usual "crap" that you can buy here.  Hope so.

There was a a beautiful full moon by early this evening see.......!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

We didn't win but we had fun!

Saturday, Feb. 20, 2010

Sam, Rita, Kathy and Connie.

Connie and I played Sam and Rita at 10:00 am this morning and all the Bocci enthusiasts were there to watch the game.  We played well but they played better and we didn't win.  Boohoo!

 Sam and Rita went on to play Bill and Jeanette in the final and it was a close game with both teams playing excellent Bocci.  It was 20 to 19 for Bill and Jeanette and they scored their last point and won the game.  They are the proud winners of the trophy that they made!  Lots of fun for all. 

Sam, Rita, Bill, Jeanette with Fred and Marion handing out the trophy.
Fred and Marion worked hard to referee both of our games, a hard job!
Connie's Bocci collage.

Teacapan tomorrow.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday the group headed out for the trip to Teacapan.  We  thought the day might be a bit cloudy but it was sunny and clear.   Frank and Sandi had Hal and Helene with them and George and Sharen had Pat and Jack and off we went with the Harleys leading. 
Honest Officer I wasn't speeding!
Hal took this picture and emailed it to me with this caption.

The trip out was good with the traffic fairly light.  When we passed Ville Union on the free road Sam and Rita were in the lead and unfortunately they got stuck behind a truck in heavy traffic and that is a really crappy place to ride.  Part way along a whole bunch of Mexicans on Harley's showed up and started to pass us all.  They were like a swarm of bees dodging in and out of traffic in two's and threes and passing where ever they felt like it.  Not safe!   As soon as they were ahead of us all they stopped and pulled over.  What's up with that.  As soon as they were back on the road they did it again.  Just nuts!  Now, some might say Eric and I  are old fogey's for thinking that but unsafe passing, speed and corners will get you killed.  No Thanks!

When we got to Teacapan Sam took us to a restaurant right on the beach just before you get into town.  There was an RV park and a really nice place to eat with a pool.  

Frank and Sandi on the beach.

The gang at the restaurant on the beach.

A look north up the beach.

We all got out but Sharen and George along with Pat and Jack wanted to continue on to Otto's Japanesea restaurant to eat.  No problema and we decided to go too.  The lunch was again excellent.  The rest of the posse was done before us and headed down to the Malecon where we were to join them.

At this point the Keystone Cops trip started.  Just as we headed down the street to the Malecon we saw Sam and Rita on the Harley heading right.  By the time we got there they were all gone.  We did a quick tour of the Malecon at which time Sam, Rita and crew  were back at Otto's looking for us.  We headed out and .... "they were gone!  At this point George, Sharen, Pat and Jack decided to head home.  We took a little run down to La Tambora but the trailer park was down a dirt road so we decided to head home too. 

The trip from Teacapan out to Esquinapa is a bit hair raising because of the potholes.  We can wiggle through them but vehicles are slowed down and will try to pass on our side if it looks like there are fewer pot holes.  They do not care if they are coming at you head on and miss you by inches.  Crazy!  We waited at the Pemex coming into Esquinapa for the rest of the crew but no one came so we left.  As we got to the other side of Esquinapa the Harley with Sam and Rita and Frank's jeep fell in behind us.  They had been sightseeing in Esquinapa and it was just a fluke they were behind us.  Next time we'll have to make better plans!

When we got home there was an appy party at Frank and Sandi's to watch the hockey game between Canada and the U.S.  Eric was too tired but I went and they had great food.  I wasn't going to eat because I hadn't made anything and was still full from lunch but I did try Gerri's quail, and Betsy's Mexican pizza which was really, really good along with her carrot cake.  Betsy is the queen of food and she was nice enough to send some home with me so I didn't have to cook Eric dinner.  Eric says we must park closer to Betsy and Boomer next year because she is such a good cook!  We all have our talents! 

Oh yeah, Canada lost but you probably knew that already!  Canada didn't play well until it was too late so they better pull up their socks for the next game. 

Monday, February 22, 2010

On Monday Connie and I went out on a geocache mission to the cemetery.  Connie is into geocaching which involves a hand held GPS and clues to find things.  We had located one on the way up to El Farro on our first trip and this was her second trip to the cemetery to find this one.  We popped into Sorianas first as we had missed the cemetery and had to double back copping Uees just like the Mexicans.  We wandered the cemetery looking highly out of place and weren't making any progress at all.  Connie said she should have bought flowers so we would look like we should be there.  Finally I took the GPS and using my "great navigational skills"  (haha - just ask Eric about that!) managed to locate the grave which was a clue and tree with the small bottle Connie was looking for.  It was fun and then we headed off to find a place for lunch.  We ate at one of the pulled pork restaurants (can't remember the name) and Connie was nice enough to buy me lunch and there was left over pork that made supper too.  The pork and chicken here are really good.  We got a little lost heading back to get bottled water and her laundry but it all worked out.  Fun morning.   The wind picked up in the afternoon so my reading on the beach was a bust. 

Eric hasn't been feeling well since Sunday so he hasn't been doing much.  Headachey and tired so who knows what that is about. 

Tuesday  February 23, 2010

Rita came over this morning to show me her new tattoo that she had done  yesterday.  She has a couple of other ones and the new one is a graphic monkey with Chinese writing beside it.  It is her sign in the Chinese calendar and looks really good, very well done.

Rita's tattoo.  Nice, eh!

 I think I would like a tattoo of a frog but maybe I'll wait until I get home.  Hal and Helene also added a tattoo but I haven't seen them.

The wind is just screaming today although it is sunny and would be warm without the wind.  A good day to blitz the housework, dump the tanks and do the laundry.  Get it all done in one day and then forget about it for a week.  Done!  I sat at the beach in the screaming wind by the wall with my back to the wind and finished my book.  Not great but better than being stuck in the campsight.  Tomorrow the Bocci crew is supposed to go out to dinner together but I hear there is another hockey game at 5:30 so we'll see if that pans out.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The park was treated to a large amount of bashing and crashing noise at about 2am this morning that lasted for a couple of hours.  We thought that they were clearing rubble across the street at the new tower but that was not the case.  When I went out for my walk this morning Fred was coming back and he said they had smashed down the new beer store (Pacifico) that had just been renovated.  I went to look and there wasn't much left just a big hole straight through.  What's up with that! 

Where did the Pacifico store go?
The Cerritos store to the right is on Felipe's property.

When I got back Felipe was explaining to Rick and Jeanette that Pacifico had decided to put a beer store there but it was on La Marina's property.  That sounds a little fishy to me. 

Not much left of the Pacifico store.

It was joined to Felipe's Tecate/El Sol store (actually the same building) but on two different properties and right now they are out there with a backhoe demolishing what is left of  the Pacifico store.  Felipe said the fellow running the store managed to get his stuff out late yesterday.  What's the real story, who knows. 

A look from behind from inside the park.  Felipe's store on the left, the now missing Pacifico on the right.  Lots of dust and noise.

Felipe didn't look too sad as his store is now the one running and not the Pacifico store.  The Pacifico store was more popular with the gringos as it's a way better beer and it also carried a small amount of grocery items.  Another bizarre Mexican happening!

Early this afternoon we were treated to one of those RV parking events that are something to behold.  The first mistake was trying to park a really big motorhome in a really difficult spot when the whole park is wide open.  It was happening right out our window and Eric's first words were " He's not going to make it !"  Too true.  Second mistake,  he didn't observe the GOAL RULE " G et  O ut A nd L ook" ,  third mistake, he didn't stop when his wife who was standing in front of him was yelling " Stop, Stop, Stop"  Outcome..... Stuck, Stuck,Stuck! 

That is a really tight fit and not what he wanted to do!
P.S. Double click this picture and you will see how tight he is to the palm tree!
Lots of people had advice but Eric said " Free advice is usually worth what it costs " and commented that he'd get a tow truck to drag the rig sideways.  At this point Peter decided to help since he used to move mobile homes.

So, what do we do now!

 One jack up on the stuck side, boards under the wheel, tipped it away from the tree, drove forward and he was out!  Lucky guy as the rig and awning were touching the palm tree.

Good thing Peter knew what to do.
That's Martine the gardener on the right, he had a good laugh about this one.
I'll bet he's seen quite a few of these events!

Did somebody call a tow truck?

 He is in real tight now so getting out when he leaves on Friday will be a trick.  I'll keep you posted!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Bocci tournament.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Yesterday was the start of the park Bocci Ball tournament.  Connie and I played Pat and Jack in round one.  The playing field  was covered in little rocks for the balls to careen off and it was really hot!  However, Connie and I  did win the game after two painful hours with both teams edging along a point at a time.  At the end Jack said " I don't care who wins, just get this over with!" 

Jack and Pat (doing her L for loser sign!)

Connie, Kathy, Pat and Jack in game one.

We won a game!

Connie and I decided to keep at it and carried on with game two at 1pm.  What troopers!   Still really hot and humid but Connie and I didn't have to suffer too long as Betsy and Boomer finished us off in short order.   We thought this was really unfair since we had allowed them a practise round because they were now playing with " Manny's Virgin Balls!" 

Manny's Virgin Balls!

Betsy and Boomer's  last round had been played with rubber balls so we were being really nice and let them try out the real Bocci balls.   That was really dumb of us!   The game was lots of fun!

Betsy and Boomer (from Ontario)

No games for Connie and I today but tomorrow we are to play Hal and Helene in the next round.  I'll keep you posted!

 To keep myself amused I defrosted the fridge and did the laundry today.  Such fun.

Wednesday, Feb. 17, 2010

Well, the plan was that Connie and I were to play Bocci against Hal and Helene today at noon.  However, mother nature decided to intervene.  I walked this morning at about 7:30 am and the skys were dark and as I was getting back about 8:30 raindrops started to fall.  I  had just met Pat on the beach starting out on a walk  and just as I got back to the rig to wash my feet  it started to pour.  Okay, it really poured!   Poor Pat!  I saw her come in about ten minutes later and was she ever a "Drowned Pat!"  I talked to her a little later and she said at least Jack got a laugh for the day.  Betsy also got caught out in it and drowned as well.  Oh well at least it was relatively warm.  So, no bocci for us today although a couple of games were played late today.  We are now to play at 9am tomorrow.

Rain in Mazatlan!

I spent the afternoon on the beach and even though it was cloudy it was warm.  No one else sitting just people walking and it was nice to just chill out and watch the surf.

Thursday, Feb. 18, 2010

There was heavy rain again last night along with big thunder.   This morning it is breezy and cool with lots of clouds but no rain, at least not yet.

Bocci started at 9am and it was really pleasant.  Hal and Helene were fun opponents and the game was good. 

Connie, Helene, Hal and Kathy.
Helene, Hal, Connie and Kathy (We won!)

Connie and I won and moved on to the next game against Sharen and George.  Again, lots of fun and good natured rivalry and Connie and I were winners again, but not by much! 

Kathy, Connie, Sharen and George.

This now leaves us to play against Sam and Rita and whoever wins this game will play Jeanette and Bill in the final.    Our next game isn't until Saturday morning so tomorrow Eric and I, Frank and Sandi along with Connie, Betsey, George, Sharen, Bill and Pat will take the bus out and climb the El Farrow lighthouse.  Some people missed the last time and it will be fun to do it again. 

Sunday will be another trip to Teacapan ( weather permitting ) with the Harleys and Frank and Sandi with Hal, Helene in the jeep and anyone else who wants to come following.  Maybe we'll have lunch at Otto's Japanesea restaurant again.  We'll leave a little earlier and hopefully have time to have a look at some of the RV parks there. 

There is only three weeks left until we leave Mazatlan so we'll try to do some of the things we have been too lazy to do!  Whatever is left over can wait until next year.

Friday February 19, 2010

The trip to El Farro for our climb this morning had ten of us going.  George and Sharen along with Bill joined in and we all boarded the bus at about 8:30 am.  A nice day but hot already by 8:00 am and the mosquitos were out.   It was a good climb up the hill but sweaty since it was already hot. 
Ready to head up the hill to El Farro.
Connie and Eric.
Bill and Eric looking out.
A cool place to rest at the top.
The Cathedral in the centre of town.

When we  hit the bottom it was decided to scrap the walk back to the Malecon and head to Edgars for lunch on the bus.  There was one of the small trucks with sides that was eager to transport us so the group hopped on board, except for us.  Eric and I decided to take a bus as the those small trucks seem dangerous to us.  I might point out that the group can't believe we will ride a motorcycle here but won't ride in the back of an open truck.  Each to their own I guess. 

We hopped of the bus just below the market and headed back up the street to Edgars.  Imagine everyone's surprize when we actually showed up.  They were taking bets as to whether we were just going to bolt for home.  Fooled them!  Good lunch and then a walk to the market for shopping.  Eric came too as he had never been in the market.  Eric and I both decided we would not be eating any of the meat that was being cut up in the market.  One stall was covered in pigeon crap so it's likely we could get sick.  A quick look around and then on to the bus for home.

A good couple of hours on the beach as the hot weather has returned for now and then early to bed to be ready for my Bocci game tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Trip to San Ignacio on Valentine's Day.

Sunday Feb. 14, 2010

This morning Eric and I, along with Sam, Rita, Frank and Sandi headed out on a road trip to San Ignacio. 

This was Eric's first time picking a trip destination and he had looked the town of San Igancio up on the internet and also checked the mapping to get there.  We started out about 9:30 a.m. and headed out the libre road in a northeast direction.  By the time we hit the turnoff  to El Quelite Eric and I stopped to add some clothes.  The weather here has been a bit cooler and another jacket was in order and Frank and Sandi in their jeep stopped to add clothes as well.  Sam and Rita were a bit ahead of us and doubled back to check and see what was happening.   We then pulled into the lead but as we got to a newly constructed intersection close to where Eric thought we were to turn off to San Ignacio it was uncertain if this was the way to turn.   No sign, what a surprize|!  Sam went into the lead  at this point as he thought this was the way to go, at least for a while.  A nice ride until we hit another crossroads with again, you guessed it  "No sign|!"  Sam asked a couple of Mexicans which way to turn and so we headed to the right and on to San Ignacio, we hoped.   It's a good thing Sam knows some Spanish.  At the next Y the turn was marked and we headed left and on towards San Ignacio.

We passed the usual cows and horses at the edge of the road as we travelled and as we neared the entrance to the town we were at the beginning of a huge puente (bridge) and so we stopped to take pictures.

   There was a huge vista to each side of the bridge and the arch at the beginning  gave us an idea that the town would be lovely as it was beautifully painted and well kept. 

The beautiful arch at the beginning of town.

Note the date on this plaque!

Looking down the river.

The gang at the entrance to the bridge.

Looking up the river.

This beautiful hotel is on your right as you cross the bridge coming into town.

As we got ready to head into town Sam asked a Mexican walking by (in Spanish) if there were any restaurants that he would recommend (that served cervezas) and got a couple of tips.  We headed down to the town square to see the old church before lunch and as we passed through town we were impressed by the cleanliness and  how well kept and painted everything was.  A very pretty Mexican town and the nicest one we've seen. 

As it was Valentines Day there were lots of storefronts selling balloons and candy.  We were the only gringos that I saw as we travelled through town which is surprizing in such a pretty town but, with such poor signage maybe no one can find it! 

The church.
Looking through the square, note the Jesus statue in the distance.

That is a really big statue!

Inside the church looking out into the square.

The town square was well kept, garbage free and everything was nicely painted .  The church was very old as were many of the surrounding buildings.

Town square.
Eric and Kathy " Happy Valentines Day!"

  After we had taken a few pictures we headed off to find lunch with Sam and Rita leading.   A block or so up the street Sam spied a truckload of Municipal Policia  and decided to ask where a good place to eat was.

So, do you know where a good restaurant is?

 Since we weren't going far and it was now hot Sam and Rita were without  helmets and did the police care?  Of course not!  Sam explained we wanted to find a restaurant where we could have cervezas (beer) with lunch " No problemo, follow us they said."

So now we have the police leading the people with no helmets (Mexican helmet law states that one person on a motorcycle must wear a helmet!) to find a place to drink before we all drive home. 

No problemo!  Ah Mexico!

Will everyone please keep up!

 We made a keystone cops trip all over town up and down the streets to the many restaurants that were closed because it is Sunday until the policia finally gave up!  We ended up back at the beginning of town by the bridge in a little half finished shop eating pollo asado (barbecued chicken.)   It was good! 

Inside the chicken shack.

After lunch was done we started home since  Sam and Rita were going to the Carnival Parade and wanted to be home by 3pm.  As we were making our way out of town the policia were now coming in and they made sure they gave each of us a friendly wave.  Nice guys!

Our lunch stop.

We arrived home in time and when I mentioned to Frank and Sandi that we could have spent a little more time seeing the town Frank said " I think we saw most of it."  Too true as we spent about a half an hour going up and down every street on cobblestones (hard on a motorcycle) following the policia looking for lunch. 

A really good day!